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Emilies pov

I stood at my door trying to listen to a conversation dick and Bruce were having. They were so secretive. I was beginning to get fed up. They had been like it for years. Sneaking about. "Privet" chats. I leant against the door forgetting it was open. Falling flat on my face. I looked up. Dick was trying not to laugh "you okay there little sis" I growled at him. Bruce rubbed his face. "Emilie what are you doing" I got up crossing my arms over my chest. "I demanded to know what's going and all the time" he looked at me blankly "What do you mean" I frowned "you two. Always Sneaking around. Privet conversations. You've been like it for years." Bruce was quick to shut me down "there is nothing going on. Enough talk. I have to go pick someone up" I raised an eyebrow "I'm adopting another child" I frowned "really" he turned to face me "excuse me young lady?" I rolled my eyes "convenient you're adopting a child the moment dick starts leaving" he looked at me sternly "that is not what's going on here" I nodded "of crouse not." I remarked sarcastically. I walked past them "where are you going" I didn't even look at them "for a walk!"


I slowly walked away from the grounds of Wayne manor. My friend Ashley was throwing a big party and I planned on attending anyway I quickly text dick

I'm staying with AshleyDon't bother picking me up. I'll come home when I'm ready

I walked to hers turning off my phone for the rest of the night. She handed me a blue tight two piece I slowly got changed and headed downstairs to the party

 She handed me a blue tight two piece I slowly got changed and headed downstairs to the party

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I looked over at a guy sending me shots all night. I walked over "got a problem" he chuckled running his hand through his black hair "I'm Jason todd" I nodded "okay. Why are you watching me" he smiled "Bruce Wayne adopted me yesterday. Your brother sent me to keep an eye on you" I groaned "of crouse he did" he laughed "your brothers kinda a dick not gonna lie" I nodded "why do you think we call him dick" he laughed.  "Look I won't spy on you anymore. Just let me know if anything happens" I nodded "fine" I walked away from him someone handed me a drink in looked up at a guy I'd known for a while now "isaac" I smiled taking the drink "how are you" I nodded "great" he smiled "wanna dance?" I nodded suddenly the alchol hit me quicker than I'm used to. We started dancing. Then kissing... I nearly fell over. "Okay I think I drunk too much" he chuckled "come on. Let's get you upstairs and sober you up yeah?" I nodded unable to speak now. Everything was blurry. Nothing made sense. We made it upstairs to a bedroom. I fell onto the bed barely able to move. "I need to go home" I spoke slowly trying to make sure I got my words out. "Isaac can you find my phone" I didn't hear anything. I looked around. There were boys I didn't reckonize. They started grabbing me. I screamed trying to move. I was so scared. "Let's see you reputation fail when this gets out" they started taking videos they were about to carry on when I heard banging on the door. I screamed trying to get the persons attention.  A hand was clamped over my mouth. "I knew you should've put more pills in her drink" I started crying. They started to take full affect then I couldn't move. I couldn't fight back. I started to give up when the door opened. The music had stopped. I was so confused. I looked up I couldn't see clearly  someone shook me. "Can you hear me?"

Dicks pov

I stromed into the party cutting he music "everyone out!" I walked upstairs Jason pointed at a door "I can't get in" my rage built as I kicked he door off the hinges with one kick. I saw at least 6 guys some were already in their underwear. I saw her hand hanging off the side of the bed. They started running trying to leave then room. A couple got out the window. I happily beat the crap out of the others. I rushed to my baby sister.  "Emilie? Em? Can you hear me?" She looked at me like she couldn't make sense of anything. I took off my jacket wrapping it round her small frame picking her up. I carried her to the car driving her and Jason home. "Thank you for calling me" I looked at him "it's okay is she okay" I shrugged. With a bit of luck. I carried her inside  "Bruce!" He walked in frowning looking concerned "What happened" I laid her down "I don't know. She passed out" he felt her pluse "Alfred!" He rushed in "yes master bruce" he exhaled deeply "call an ambulance" I looked at him "what" Alfred done it quickly "What's happening" I looked at him "she's not breathing" I panicked looking at her. "I need to know what happened at that party." I panicked "I don't know Jason said she went upstairs with a guy. I think they spiked her drink" he rubbed his face "I think they put to much in"

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