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Emilies pov

It's been days since I heard from anyone. I heard my phone ring seeing a photo of me and dick flash up "Hello?" I could hear noises. Sirens "dick?" I begun to panick "Emilie... I'm sorry" I stood up "dick your scarring me. What's going on." I heard a sniff "we found Jason" I smiled. "Is he okay. When are you coming home. Can I talk to him?" He sighed "he's dead emilie" I stomach dropped. I gasped. "What happened" I heard dick sniff "joker. He beat him. Then left a bomb under the chair" tears slipped down my cheeks. I choked on my tears. "Hurry home Dick" was all I could say before I hung up. He was gone.


I turned around as my door opened. Dick looked at me "are you okay" I nodded. Picking up a stack of books I'd read while he was away. "Why wouldn't I be" I started putting the books on the shelf "jasons dead. You two were close. I know your upset" I smiled looking at him "I'm not upset. I'm fine." I finished making my bed. "Your doing it again aren't you?" I looked at him "doing what" I straightened my pillows "you done this after mum and dad died. You acted like you were fine and it didn't affect you. Until I found you screaming and crying at night." I smiled at him "dick. I'm fine" he gave a small nod. "You would tell me if you wasn't right" I smiled taking his hands in mine "I'm just glad my big brothers home" I kissed his cheek. Walking out the room. I walked to the cave sitting at the computer.  Scanning over all the cases. I refused to show weakness.

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