The fallout

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Jason's pov

We sat in her hospital room. She was hooked up to god knows what monitors. Everyone had refused to leave with the exception of Bruce who's been true to his word and given himself up. We'd been here for 3 days she still hasn't woken up. She's had surgeries. Multiple surgeries. Hopefully the head injury doesn't affect her hearing again. Or her sight. It really was a waiting game this time. Tim had just gotten out of a hospital bed. And he came straight here and sat -despite being on crunches-

5 days went by we all took turns going for a shower and getting some sleep. However Damien put up a huge fight when it came to his turn. Alfred had come and picked them up not long ago. There was a sound of movement and I looked at dick.
"Did you move?" He shook his head
"Did you move?" I shook my head. We both looked at her. Her bruised face which was now visible thanks to the doctors taking the tubes out.
"Did she just move?" I asked in shock.
"Jay you're too loud." She moaned out stretching then whimpering in pain.
"Little bird..." dick leant forward. Slowly but surely her bright blue eyes opened. But instantly they men could tell there was something missing.
"Where am I..." she looked around attempting to frown.
"You're in the hospital babe..." I lent forward. Her eyes widened.
"Where's Damien. Where's Tim! Shit!" She shot up causing us to try to shot her. She instantly regretted her movement groaning in pain.
"They're safe. Okay. They're at home with Alfred having a shower. You've been out for 8 days and they were starting to stink." She took a deep breath laying back down.
"You promise their both okay?" Dick pulled the cover over her properly.
"I promise. Now you need to rest." She grabbed her forehead noticing how bruised it was.
"Where's dad..." me and dick looked at eachother.
"Don't worry about that right know baby. Just rest okay." I smiled at her brushing her hair out of her face. She tried to nod but frowned again.
"My mouth hurts..." she whined. I had to smile for a moment before taking her hand in mine.
"I know babe. You've done a lot of damage to your jaw..." she pouted her eyes starting to close again.
"I want to see dad..." she said slowly as she drifted back off to sleep. I gestured for us to step outside and talk.
"What are we going to tell her? Hey baby. I know you were nearly killed yet again. Your body is pretty much fucked oh and by the way your dads in prison?!" I whisper shouted at dick seriously stressing.
"Calm down Jay. I'll tell you want you sit with her I'll go speak to gorden you know try work something out I mean we know gorden was the last person to want this arrest." I huffed walking back into her room with dick behind me. She was wide awake again looking at us.
"Dad's been arrested?"


Bruce's pov.

I was sat in this tiny room in cuffs waiting for something I didn't know what but something.
"Wayne. You're being released." I was uncuffed and given my clothes.
"Why?" I was more surprised than ever. The officer just looked at me and smiled.
"Two if you're kids are outside one of them is going crazy at gorden." I hugged. Damnit Damien. I walked out of the room to see dick stood rubbing his face.
"Where's Damien?" I looked at him.
"At home." He stated when Emilie limped out of gordens office I was more angry than anything.
"You. Should be at the hospital." She looked at me through bruised eyes and smiled a little.
"And you shouldn't be in a cell." I grabbed her into a hug nearly shedding a tear.
"You scared the hell out of me that night." She held me almost as tight. She huffed into me.
"I know dad. We were all scared." I looked over at dick who was stood silently and extended my arm. He jumped at the gesture hugging us both.
"Between you kids I'm gonna get grey hairs in no time" she laughed at my statement.
"You were the one who took us in" I could tell from her voice she was crying. I placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"And I wouldn't change in for the world"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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