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Emilies pov

I felt a nudge I let out a moan turning over. The bright light hitting my eyes. Everything was still. I say up looking at dick. He smiled before talking. I laughed "very funny dick" he frowned. He was lip syncing his lips were moving but no words came out. That's when I realised I couldn't hear my own voice. I looked at him eyes widened. "Dick I can't hear" I didn't know if I'd said it. He looked at me face twisted in shock. He spoke but all I heard was silence. My hand shot too my mouth as I felt tears fall. "I can't hear you" he got up i pushed my covers off standing up. He ran out of the room. I got dizzy sitting down. Bruce walked in kneeling down in front of me. He started speaking. I shook my head looking up at dick. "Why can't I hear?" Bruce looked at him before speaking again. My own voice was muffled in my head. I looked at them. Shaking my head. I grabbed a pen and paper. Why can't I hear anything Jason walked in. He looked at the men before sitting on the bed. He said something before raising his hands do you remember when we learnt this? He sighed out with his hands I nodded. We learnt in school like when dick taught me Romanian. Good he sighed out we're going to take you to the doctor get dressed okay? I nodded again. Standing up grabbing some clothes I looked at them again. Dick said something.  Jason smiled. I walked into the bathroom getting dressed and putting my hair up. I looked in the mirror seeing the blood from my ears I opened the door they all stood I pointed to the blood and noticed it on the pillow. Dick grabbed my wrist dragging me to the car.

I read the paper sitting in the doctors office they all looked angry.  Bruce was talking I looked at the words on the page it's rare for this to happen.  But it's possible that this has happened due to blunt force tarma. It make take months even years to fix. It means surgery and hearing aids. It's a long waiting list. But we can put you at the top of the list. It will still be a long wait. I sat back in my chair looking at dick. He took my hand. It's okay I could just about read his lips. After 10 minutes we left they spoke but I couldn't hear. I looked at Jason.  What are they saying? He looked around before starting to sigh they just want to help. They're talking about what to do. This will be fixed don't worry , I nodded staying quite. I didn't know how long it would last. I started thinking. What if it never gets fixed. What if I never hear my brothers voice. Bruce shouting at the boys to keep it down. Jasons insults. Dick and me speaking in Romanian to keep a secret. Listen to music. The sound of a car. Alfred making breakfast. My brothers coming home after a long night. My own voice. A tear rolled down my face I looked out the window just observing I didn't want to do anything. Dick looked back at me. I love you he spoke. I nodded.i love you I mouthed back. I didn't want to talk incase I was shouting. I leant my head on jasons shoulder before closing my eyes.

Dicks pov

"It could take years Bruce what are we going to do?" He huffed "we learn sigh language. We help her get through it until the doctors can do something." I looked over my shoulder. She'd fallen asleep on jasons shoulder. I smiled. "She was practically screaming this morning she couldn't hear herself. What if she doesn't talk again." Jason sighed. "We just need to take it one day at a time dick. She'll be alright. It may take a while but she will."

We learnt sign language it was complex but she seemed happy that she could talk to us all. It's been 6 months since that morning she still can't hear a thing. We've tried everything to doctors suggested. She was having surgery in 4 months but it might not work. I walked into her room after petrol. She was awake reading a book. She looked up smiling. Hi I sat down looking at her you should be sleeping  she sighed putting the book down I had a nightmare I frowned moving closer about him again? She nodded. Her nightmare were always the same. The joker. Hurting one of us then her. Or they were memories of it. I rubbed her leg giving a sympathetic look. I won't let him hurt you again  she smiled before hugging me. I held her close kissing her forehead get some sleep baby bird you look tired I stood up reaching for the light she grabbed my hand I don't like the dark I gave a quick nod tucking her in. She kissed my cheek before I left the room closing the door. I went and laid in bed when I heard screaming. I darted up running back to her room. She was asleep. She must've been tired but she was thrashing around shouting a non coherent mess. Her hands gripping the sheets before she started scratching at her wrist like she was trying to get something off. I grabbed her to stop her hurting herself. She screamed more. Damien stumbled in "What's going on grayson!" He demanded storming over. "She's having a nightmare." He called her name to wake her up "she's deaf remember!" He got on her bed shaking her. Her eyes shot open. She met his breathing heavy. It's okay. You're safe . He signed I didn't think he'd been paying attention. She looked around nodding. He laid her back go back to sleep your fine she nodded thank you he nodded before leaving the room. She looked up at me. Can you stay? Until I fall asleep? I smiled down at her of crouse

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