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Emilies pov

I let out a yawn opening my eyes. I could feel a sense of warmth from next to me. Dick was asleep on the bed next to me. I smiled looking at my brother before getting up. I stretched out hearing a slight ringing in my ear. I jumped before it faded into silence again. I huffed walking to the bathroom getting ready for the day. When I came out dick was awake. He smiled sorry. I must've fallen asleep watching you last night. I smiled his hands moved in a lazy manor I laughed shaking my head go back to sleep. You look tired. I moved my hair out of my face sitting down dick yawned no I've got to go meet someone I raised my eyebrow nudging him with my elbow who he smiled sitting up to face me. Kori. My smirk spread. As did his. He looked at the time shooting up he kissed my forehead I'm late. I'll be back soon.  I waved him goodbye as he ran to get ready I walked downstairs as Alfred opened the door and kori walked in. I smiled. She looked nice today. She saw me and smiled holding up a finger closing her eyes. "Good morning" I jumped hearing her voice. "Don't panick. It's telepathy. I can here you. You can here me." I smiled. Before laughing. "Thank you" she smiled hugging me "of crouse" dick rushed in shoving his jacket on. He greeted her kissing her quickly. He said goodbye to me as did kori and they left. I walked around the house before sighing slumping down on a chair. I was getting sick of the silence. I looked around trying to think about what to do. I'd read all of the books in the manor. And I was starting to get bored. Jason walked in a smirk on his face I sat up as he walked over passing me a package through the you might want something new I pulled the strings opening the brown paper. I smiled at the copy of Peter Pan and Wendy.  It was my favourite growing up. Dick and Bruce used to read it too me until I fell asleep. I looked up at him thank you Jason he nodded I weld up slightly thinking about their voices it had been so long I could hardly remember them. Jason knelt down what's wrong  I sniffed wiping my eyes shaking my head I just wish I could remember  he smiled it will be okay soon I got up walking to the bathroom to calm myself down. I needed to get out of this house. It was driving me crazy. I walked downstairs looking for jay. I couldn't find him. In fact I couldn't find anyone. Someone grabbed me yanking me backwards. I fell to the floor and was pinned that's when I saw his smile. I screamed out trying to fight.

Jasons pov

I ran into the bathroom hearing a crash. "Shit" I saw the blood. She had fallen and hit her head. I screamed for someone to call for help I pulled out my phone. Calling an ambulance and dick.

Jay what's up
Get home now.
What's wrong you sound worried
It's Emilie she's fallen. Dick there's blood everywhere
What. Is she awake
No. She's breathing. I've called help just get here please

He hung up. Not long went by before the paramedics came in. I was pushed out the way watching. "Her hearts stopped." I heard the words everything seemed like it was in slow motion. The door burst open dick stormed in kori behind him I couldn't breathe I fell on my knees watching them. One of them had a defibrillator. "Clear" her body jolted with the shock. They were trying to stop the bleeding and revive her. I felt sick. She jolted again. "It's beating. We need to get her stable." They put her on a gurney taking her away. I looked at dick. "Go with her I'll be right there" he jumped into the ambulance I got in the car.

Bruces pov

I walked in worry surging through my body. I was escorted to her. They were able to stabilise her and keep her heart going. But nothing was definite. She could have another episode. The doctor came over "Mr Wayne. I'm emilies doctor" she shook my hand "What happened to her" I looked through the window at the small girl hooked out to monitors and machines. "She's lost a lot of blood. We've ran some tests. She has something called an arrhythmia. It means an irregular heart beat. It causes her heart to skip beats and get very quick at times. However it's caused her to loose consciousness. She was just unlucky this time. But it is manageable. I've but her on some medication to keep it under control and I have a monitor she or you have to use if it gets painful. It shouldn't but the condition causes palpitations that can get very painful. If it happens she must rest straight away and stay off of her feet. She should wake up soon. She's undergoing a blood transplant. I want to keep her in tonight to monitor her but as long as nothing happens she can go home tomorrow." I nodded. "Thank you very much doctor" I walked into her room dick and Jason were sat with her just talking about nonsense. Dick stood up "what did they say?" I sat down before huffing out. "It's nothing to worry about dick. She has a heart condition but it's manageable. And not life threatening. She's on medication. It caused palpations this morning and she just passed out it can happen any time. She just fell. They want to keep her in tonight and then she can come home." He breathed a sigh of relief. I looked at her. They had shaved the right side of her head a little to stitch her up. She was hooked up to a blood bag. There were wires attached to her chest and a tube in her nose. "She won't like this. Bruce what if it affects her hearing anymore?" I shrugged. Looking down "I have no idea"

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