3 years later

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Dicks pov

I'd moved to bludhaven shortly after they left. Bruce always told me when they contacted and she's sent me a couple post cards. Not saying much just that she was safe and they were already going to a new place. Bruce got a call from a pay phone 2 weeks ago telling him how beautiful some parts of England are. But other than that it's been pretty quite from them. I still felt bad at how we left things but at least I know she's safe. It wasn't until I had a call from Alfred telling me I needed to be home because some businesses had come up. I walked into the manor to see Alfred who was waiting for me.
"Master dick I'm so very happy you're here. Just in time as well." He check his watch and smiled.
"Time for what?" I heard the door open behind me. Jason walked in with a ton of bags
"Jay?" He looked up his mouth wide open.
"Jay nearly forgot this." She walked in. She looked... better. Healthy. Happy. She glanced at me finally noticing a smiled "dick. I'm glad you're here." She stepped forward giving me a big hug.
"I'm here? What about you. Your home? Why didn't you call? I would've got you from the airport." I was concerned she laughed a little grabbing one of the bags from Jason. A bit of light his my eye and I saw it. "You're engaged." I stated. Her face sort of dropped a little and she looked down.
"Yeah. Erm. Me and jay... we've erm been together since 6 months after we left." I took a step back.
"You're marrying Jason." I said slowly. She stepped forward slightly biting her lip.
"Yes dick. I'm marrying Jason..." she said the words and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I mean Jason. Of all people. Jason. What the hell is going on.
"Baby. Go and find the boys and say hi. Let me and dick talk." Jason rubbed her shoulder and she smiled.
"Erm I'll be back I guess..." she walked off leaving us alone.
"Dude. You don't seem happy." Jason stayed. I scoffed at him sitting on the stairs.
"No shit. She's my little sister Jason. And she's marrying you. I mean. Don't you think this is a little fast?" Jason frowned at the though finally sitting next to me.
"No. Dick. I just want to make her happy. And I know that's what you want." I stood up unable to sit next to him with the frustration I was feeling.
"You can't. Not while your the red hood. You can't keep her safe."
"And you think you can?! You're nightwing for fuck sake. She's already been attacked by the joker! I've kept her safe for the last 3 years." He was standing now and visibly angry.
"And what if she's hurt again jay! What if she's hurt and it's on you this time. How are you going to cope with that." He fell silent unsure of what to reply.
"I can look after myself." I turned around to see my sister standing in the doorway. Jason grunted slumping back down.
"I never said you couldn't." She rolled her eyes at me.
"I thought you was gonna start believing in me. I erm. I guess not..." she huffed walking past me. I quickly pulled her back holding her arm.
"You know I didn't mean it. It's just a shock. Emilie please just. I missed you." I tried to sound as sincere as possible but she still wasn't sure. She opened her mouth but was cut off by a siren going off.
"What in the world." We all looked at eachother before running down to the cave.
"Dad." She shouted over the sound shutting it off. Bruce turned around embracing her.
"I'm glad you home. Jason. Take her leave town right now." She frowned looking at Jason.
"What's happening." She begged he looked at me huffing.
"You've been exposed." My jaw dropped. I looked at Jason. That's when the computer buzzed again.
"No. No." Jason flashed up on the screen. Then Tim. Then Damien. Then Bruce. "It's over... we've all been exposed." Every person involved with the bat name was exposed. It had been released to the press. I felt sick.
"What do we do." Emilie looked at us with tears in her eyes.
"You aren't doing anything. You're going to take Damien. You're leaving Gotham. Take him as well. You 3 don't need to be in the middle of this. Now."
"Dad..." she pleaded.
"I said now!" He shouted at her. She jumped a little and walked out of the cave. He looked at us. "They are going to be a target for everyone right now. They have to leave."

Within the next 10 minutes I was putting her in a cab. With the boys. Jason was heartbroken but knew this was needed. She rolled down the window looking at us both.
"You two need to stay safe okay. You have to promise me." She was shaking with the thought of us being hurt.
"We'll be okay little bird. You just get out of here okay. Call me when you're safe." She nodded just as the car pulled out.
"Did we really just do that..." Jason gulped just as a ton of press turned up at the gates
"Come on. Let's get back inside and talk to Bruce."

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