fresh start

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Jasons pov.

It's been two years. Two years I sat in a chair tortured by the joker everyday. He done something unspeakable. Bought her into this. I spent 3 weeks trying to show Bruce I was better. I didn't want to face dick. I couldn't.  I couldn't tell him about her.

Flash back

I couldn't move. Even my figures were pinned down. "Toddy. I have a present for you" he laughed walking in. Two of his goons dragging something in. "Let's play a game. Okay. I'm keeping this unfortunate young lady hidden however..." he picked up a crowbar "you've got 3 guesses on who it is until I start beating." I gulped. "I don't know-" he chuckled "strike one" I tried to think. "A random girl you found" he smiled "strike two" he gripped the metal object ready to swing. I couldn't see the girl I had no idea who it was. "You're boring my. You've got 5 second" I started getting nervous. "4.." I looked hard for some clue. "3..." only her chest visible as she struggled "2..." she was wearing a necklace I tried to make it out "1..." a feather... I realised who it was "it's dick graysons little sister!" He smiled "Well done" he pulled the bag off her head. Her eyes widened looking at me. "Too bad you were out of time" then. I sat back and watched him beat her. For 2 months. He hurt her. It was worse than any other torture he put me through. I couldn't help her. All I could do was watch. Until the last day. He swung the bag hitting her face "do you know why I brung her here?" I shook my head. Tears running down my face "the day before I took her it was all over the news. Her little conversion with nightwing and the bats. I think she's closer to them than everyone knows. I want to know how. See I knew I could use her and you to get the bat to come and face me... but..." he hit her again blood dripping down to the floor. "He never came. He doesn't care. About you. About her. He just let you go." He looked down at her. Her body too beaten to move. He finally pulled the cloth out of her mouth "What do you think about that" he laughed. "Kill me." The words hit me like a ton of bricks his smile grew wide. "Your wish is my command." He smiled "boys!" They walked in. "Take our little broken bird out back..." he passed then a gun."kill her" I screamed as she was dragged away. "I'm sorry jason" she cried out "tell dick! Tell him!" She screamed as I lost sight of her "TELL HIM I-" BANG. I screamed out in pure pain.

Flashback end.

I walked into Wayne manor. Seeing a young boy talking to dick. "Who is that" they stopped looking at me "Jason... you're back" I frowned. "I need to talk to you. And Bruce" he sighed " it can wait" he walked away. I ran up to him "no. No it cant" he sighed.

We stood in the cave. "Well tell us!" Dick demanded "it's your sister" he stopped "what" I looked down "I saw her" he looked at me "she ran away" I shook my head. "Look. I was tortured for a long time. When joker realised physical pain wasn't hurting me. He took to emotional. He had her." Both men tensed "he hurt her for 3 months. Then. He took her out side. He got one of his guys to kill her" dick exhaled deeply. He grabbed the side of the table before falling. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know how to tell you." He shook his head "your lying" I stepped back. "I'm not i wish I was" Bruce was froze in time. Dick was just screaming at me. "Look! Would I be lying if I had this!" I pulled her necklace out of my pocket he bit of her blood still on the charm. Dick took it from my hand. He let out a cry. "TIM! TIM! GET HERE! NOW!" the young boy ran down. "Yes?" Dick gave him the necklace "get the blood off this run it through the computer. It took two minutes. The sample was 99% loaded. I knew what was going to happen. When a photo of her flashed out. Showing who's blood it was. Dick fell on the ground crying. "She's dead"

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