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Dicks pov

I done up my bow tie taking a deep breath "do you know what day it is?" Jason nodded. Covering the J shaped scar on his cheek either a mask. "It's her birthday. And instead of mourning we're going to a stupid party" I placed my mask on "I know. But look let's celebrate her memory" I huffed. 


I stood in the room looking around at the masked people. Someone stood out. A girl... long blue dress. Tiny thing. Her long black hair pulled over her shoulders.  She wore a black mask making her seem even more pale. She wore black silk gloves appearing to be alone I walked towards her. "May I have this dance" she smiled. She seemed familiar. I took her hand Holding her waist beginning to dance. "Have we met before" she shook her head. I frowned.  She wouldn't meet my eyes. "What's your name" she opened her mouth to speak when here was a bang of gunfire. I turned immediately pushing her behind me. I had a certain impulse to protect her. I heard the sinister laugh I wanted to end so badly. "Honey I'm home!" He walked in. I looked at Bruce he shook his head. "Apologies people. I've lost something I came to collect." The smile plastered on his face was sickening. I wanted to hurt him...I wanted to kill him. He took her away from me. "Now I'm looking for a young girl. About 5'5. Pale skin. Black hair. Amazing blue eyes. Anyone seen her" I frowned. The girl I danced with. But... why... I turned around she was already stepping forward. Joker smiled "lovely" she walked to him. I tensed all of a sudden a window smashed and there stood batman. Everyone ran. But joker and his men. I stayed put. So did tim and Jason. "Let the girl go joker" he laughed "no." He held her wrist. She was strangely calm. Then out of nowhere a shot was fired. At Bruce.  He dodged it. My jaw dropped seeing the girl stood with a gun in hand. She shot him. "Who are you!" Bruce shouted. Joker laughed "oh bats. I know she's a little older but really." Joker stood behind her. Her gun still pointed at Bruce.  I grew nervous. Joker placed his hand on her face ripping the mask off heart skipped a beat I dropped to my knees. My sister. A J shaped scar on her cheek. Same as jasons. I ripped my mask off looking at her. "Emilie" she looked at me. "Oh dear. Look who it is dear. The other person who left you to the dogs" she pointed the gun at me. Her eyes were blank. Like it wasn't her. "What have you done to her" I narrowed my eyes at her "you left me" she spoke up "I didn't Emilie I promise. I would never" she clicked the gun walking closer. "You left me." The gun was inches away from me. I looked straight down the barrel. My heart was racing "Emilie.  Listen to me. I promise I searched for you. I looked and looked. I would never leave you. Okay come on. I'm your big brother-" "SHUT UP!" She screamed. "Stop talking!" Joker laughed he stood behind me watching her laughing. Then. Bang. I waited for a pain. It never came. I opened my eyes. Hers were wide. She looked down. Blood appearing in her side. She lowered the gun dropping it. I raced forward catching her as she fell. Blood poured out the wound. "JASON GET HIM!" Jason and Tim took off "call for help! Someone!" I screamed. Bruce was in total shock. I pressed on her side. "It's okay. I've got you" her breathing was heavy "I'm sorry" she cried out. "Let me die. I nearly killed you. I'm sorry" she was sobbing. "Hey. Absolutely not!   Your my sister. Your not dying. Stay with me okay" she nodded tears ran down my face. Her eyes started closing "hey! Stay awake! Keep those eyes open! I'm not losing you again!  Come on tell me. Tell me about anything. Keep talking" from that moment every became a blur of flashing lights and shouting

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