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Emilies pov

I slowly opened my eyes. It was unbearably bright. I let our a groan. My head was hurting. My body was numb. I looked down at the needles in my arm cringing. I looked over see if my big brother asleep in the chair. His arms crossed over his chest head leant back. Mouth open. Snoring. I smiled. "Richard grayson. For the love of god stop snoring" he jumped up about to attack then saw me looking at him and let out a sigh of relief. "Hi" I smiled he leant forward "how do you feel" I looked around "like I've been hit by a bus" he chuckled "why am I in... nevermind" he frowned. The previous events flashed through my mind I looked st him "how did I get here" he sighed "I took you home from the party. You weren't breathing so we called an ambulance" I nodded slightly "how did you know." He looked down "Jason called me. He had a feeling" I looked at him "he seems like a nice kid" dick nodded "yeah well Bruce found him trying to take he hubcaps off the rolls" I laughed "really" he laughed as well nodded "he said he was going to a party that night I know Ashleys address I'm not stupid em you should've called me" I exhaled deeply "I thought it was just alchol... isaac offered to take me upstairs. Then stuff happened" he looked upset "did they do anything" I thought really hard "I have no idea" he closed his eyes I saw the anger building up. I reached out to him "I'm sorry dick" he opened his eyes shaking his head. He grabbed my tiny hands in his large ones. "Don't you ever apologies. It wasn't your fault. Some people are sick. Just please promise me you won't ever run  off again" I nodded "I promise" he smiled "get some rest. I'll find out when you can come home" I nodded "okay"

Dicks pov

I sat looking at my phone. A news story popped up "videos surface of Bruce Waynes underage daughter living a wild life" my jaw clenched as I read the story. Then it got to the videos. I didn't know if I wanted to see them. Against my better judgement I watched. She just looked very drunk. Until her eyes opened. Her pupils where massive I sighed. "Let's get you upstairs" the guy stated continuing to film as she stumbled. Then videos went one to show what really happened with those boys. Anyone who saw this could she her trying to fight back. I shook my head. I continued to read "graysons older brother Richard collected her from the party. Soon after an ambulance was called to the Wayne manor. It is believed Emilie is in hospital details are yet to be released it is believed Mr Wayne himself wants to press charges on the young boys in the video" I exhaled deeply looking over at her asleep. We were in the back of the car on our way home. I reached over shaking her "hey. We're  home" she moaned slightly opening her eyes. "Oh" I chuckled helping her out the car and inside. Bruce was waiting for us. He smiled "how are you feeling" she smiled a little. Pausing. "I'm sorry " he frowned. "What for" she looked at me then him. "People are going to talk. And it will ruin your reputation" his face softened he walked closer to her "none of that matters. All that matters is your safe and nothing like that happens again" he hugged her. She started crying. I sighed looking at them "I was so scared" my heart broke at her words "I bet you were sweetheart. Your safe now" he rubbed her back. "Dick take her to her room. I think you need some rest and quite" he wipped her tears away. I lead her upstairs. Setting her on her bed. I was about to leave when she said something "can you stay" I looked at her "just until I fall asleep... I don't way to be alone" I smiled "of crouse sis" I sat with her hugging her "thank you... for saving me" I chuckled "What are big brothers for" she smiled looking up at me "no really... I was so angry when I left here I just wanted to do something stupid. Then when it happened... I regretted everything... they kept saying things... all I wanted was to scream" I heard her sniff.  How I hadn't cried yet was beyond me. "What did they say em... you can tell me" she took a deep breath  "they told me what they where going to do to me. That after everything they was leave me on the doorstep for you are Bruce to find in the morning. How it doesn't matter how much I fake it you mum and dad never wanted me." I stopped her "That's not true and you know it. Listen sis. Yeah I wasn't over the moon to hear about having a sister. But I was 4. It all changed the moment dad put you in my arms. I looked at you and you stopped crying. You looked at me and smiled. For the first time. I knew I would protect you no matter what. And I always will. I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner last night. And I'm sorry I keep going away but. It doesn't mean I don't want you. It doesn't mean I don't love you. Because your my sister. And yes sometimes you get on my nerves" she laughed "but. That's what you here for." She smiled "thanks Richard" I nodded. "I have something for you before I forget" I pulled a box out of my pocket handing it to her. She sat up opening it. She smiled "it's beautiful" she held up the small chain with a sliver feather of the end. "Can you out it on for me?" I smiled she pulled her hair away as I put the necklace on for her. She smiled kissing my cheek "thanks Bro. I love you" I smiled "I love you too sis"

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