dear brothers

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Chapter contains Romanian. It will be translated. Romanian will be shown inside * stars instead of speech marks

Emilies pov

I hated being in hospitals. I never did like them. But it gave me some time to think. And try to remember. I wanted to try as hard as I could to remember their voices. Just remember anything really.


I ran into the study climbing onto the chair. I was too small so I was struggling. "What are you doing little bird" I turned around. "Dick!" I ran over as he picked me up. "Hey do you want some cookies?" I nodded frantically we walked to the kitchen *sit here* he placed me down smiling. *do you have a secret brother?*  he smiled handing me a cookie. *yes* I restrained my excitement as he sat down. *there's a very pretty girl here and I love her very much* I laughed taking a bite out of my cookie *who!* he chuckled and finished his cookie *it's you silly* I laughed when Bruce walked in "What is going on here then" dick laughed tapped my should *don't speak in English confuse him* I laughed finding it hard to speak in any language *sorry sorry. Dick made me laugh* he chuckled I looked at Bruce who was pleasantly confused.

Flashback end

I laughed at the memory. Me and dick used to spend the whole day doing that. I thought about my life I was 19. I'd never seen anywhere but gotham and the inside of our families van. I wanted that to change. The moment I get my hearing back I wanted to see the world. The door opened. It was 1pm. Bruce walked in. Ready to go home? I nodded. Soon enough I was unhooked from the monitors and drips and was on my way home. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Bruce? He nodded. When I'm better. I want to go. I want to see the world instead of sitting in the manor all day. He paused for a moment. Is that really what you want to do? I gave a smile nodding. He thought about it. If it's want you want then fine. I'm not going to stop you. I had never smiled that much.  we walked into the manor everyone was there to greet me I smiled then I looked at Jason gesturing for him to follow me do you remember when you said you wanted to travel? He smiled nodding when I'm better. I want to go. Come with me? He smiled widely. Yes. Of crouse I will. I got up smiling dick was in the doorway watching your running away? I frowned shaking me head travelling actually. I already spoke to Bruce.  I know Jason always wanted to travel. That's all. His face was stern. And unkind. No. It's not happening. I huffed walking past him. He grabbed my arm shoving me back to where I was. It's not happening. Am I understood? I shoved him back. It's not your place to decide that. I walked away not really caring what else he had to say. I slammed my bedroom door. Sitting on my bed. I didn't care what dick said. I wanted to leave. I wasn't going to be stuck in gotham my whole life like him. I looked at the calendar on the wall. I had an appointment at 5 today about my ears. I decided to get ready and let Bruce take me. I didn't want to speak to dick. I was told my implants were ready if I waned to have them fitted right away. I accepted. It took 20 minutes to fit them. It felt werid.  Dick not being here. His was the first voice I wanted to hear again. But. I couldn't.  The woman looked at me you might hear a buzzing for a few moments. Ready? I nodded they were uncomfortable for he most part but I would get used to them. The buzzing started I looked around "can you hear?" Bruce spoke out. My face dropped. His voice was softer than I remembered. I nodded frantically starting to cry. "You can hear me?" I covered my mouth in shock as he chuckled "I can hear you." They ran through some tests before I was allowed to leave.  We walked out everything away loud. I heard music And laughing it was amazing. We got in the car. I just listened to everything. "How is it?" Bruce smiled at me. "I can't beileve it. I was scared I'd never hear anythig again" we pulled up at the house. I ran to the house I found tim first tapping away on his laptop. He looked up about to start signing I moved my hair. "Tim I can hear you." He saw the implants and smiled standing up. "Talk tim! I wanna hear you" I laughed he chuckled. "I don't know what to say" I squealed hugging him "I can hear it!" He hugged me back "how do I hear?" I smiled "more... rough than I remember actually... where is everyone?" He took my hand taking me down to the cave where everyone was training. Jason and dick we're sparing and talking. "Why are you such an ass about her leaving" I paused watching. "Because she's my baby sister. I don't want anyone dragging her away from me!" He grunted punching Jason.  Suddenly it wasn't just sparring. They were actually trying to hurt eachother. Tim looked at me. "Let's get you back upstairs. Let Bruce stop them." I shook my head. "No tim wait" dick let out a loud shout before shoving Jason backwards. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" I screamed. Both of them stopped heads darting in my direction. "I come home and the first thing I can hear is you two arguing." Dick took a few steps in my direction. "You can hear?" I nodded.  "They fitted my implants an hour ago. I wanted to surpise you all. But I guess all you want to do is shout." I turned around "Emilie wait. Please" I looked over my shoulder. "Jason. I'm leaving tomorrow with or without you." I walked upstairs and to my room. I started looking at my map I didn't know where to start. My bedroom door opened. Jason walked in. "Close your eyes" I frowned. He just smiled "come on." I done as he asked "point" I held up my hand pointing. He spun me around I laughed he pulled me so my finger was on the old map. "Open" I opened my eyes. "Morocco?" He laughed "Let's go. I'll take care of the flight. We've both saved money. We travel around until we run out of money. Then we come back." I laughed nodding. "Better start packing." He nodded "travel light little bird."

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