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Emilies pov

I paved back and forth. In the past weeks me and Jason had been getting close. Especially with the whole attending the same school thing

Flash back

"HEY greyson!" Someone shouted I turned around seeing isaac. "What do you want" he laughed "guess what I have" I groaned trying to open my locker he slammed it shut "a certain video that never got released" my eyes widened in looked at him "want it?" I nodded. He slammed me against the locker really hurting me. I squealed at the impact. "Slut" he punched my stomach. People started watching. That's when he was knocked on the ground. I looked at Jason "don't touch my sister again" I was shocked. He never called me that. "Mr todd!  Miss grayson! My office! Now!"

Flashback end.

I heard the door open I saw Bruce "did you find him?" He huffed shaking his head. I sighed. I was really worried. "Shouldn't you in bed. You have school tomorrow" I raised my eyebrow "I'm not going" he looked at me taking off his mask "yes you are" I shook my head "not until Jason is home." He frowned looking at me "Fine. He'll be home by the end of the week. However your not laying in bed. Your up and helping" I raised an eyebrow "and how do I do that?" He gestured for me to follow him. Down a small staircase I'd never been down. To a cave... I looked around I saw dick sitting at a computer it was massive taking up the whole wall. "You'll stay here and search the cameras to find him" I nodded "okay." I walked over to dick "Emilie.  Never know prove yourself I'll put you out on the field" I looked at the glass case containing Dicks old suite I pulled up a chair "come on big brother. How does it work"


I was running.  I couldn't see anything "Richard!" I needed to find someone. Anyone. I tripped over something. My knees scuffing on impact. "What the-" I turned around seeing what I tripped over. My parents bodies. I screamed crawling backwards. I touched something turning around I saw my brother. In his nightwing suite. Blood all over my hands. I screamed even more. Someone grabbed me

"Hey hey. It's okay I've got you!" I carried on screaming and crying. Someone was holding my arms. "HEY! IT'S ME!" I heard my brothers voice and let out a whimper. "It's okay... I've got you" I let out a cry "you were dead! I couldn't see. Then I saw.... I... I saw mum and dad" I felt his bodies tense. "It's okay. It was just a dream..."

Bruces pov

I walked into emilies room seeing her and dick talking "dick we need to go" he frowned "go where?" I sighed "joker has a nuclear weapon." He stood up "Let's go" he kissed his sisters forehead. She smiled "please be safe" I nodded. Me and dick left. "When are you going to tell her" he looked at me pulling his mask on "tell her what" he sighed "that you told Jason to leave"

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