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Emilies pov

I walked down  the streets of gotham. It was raining I was dripping wet. I just kept walking. I was numb. He's gone. "Hey" I looked at the masked figure in front off me "piss off dick" he pulled me down an alley way "go home. Your gonna get sick. Your dripping wet" I smiled stumbling a little "you're drunk?" I shook my head "yes" he shook his head "What is wrong with you!" He shouted. I looked  down. "Awnser me" I pushed his chest. "Get out of my way" he stopped me "no." I pushed him again. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I screamed. He paused "why are you so angry" I wouldn't awnser he grabbed my shoulders. "It's Jason isn't it. You blame me?" I shook my head "I blame all of you" he kept talking. I wasn't listening. Until the words cane out of his mouth "I give up with you" I looked up at him. "You give up?" He nodded. "I'm about to yeah." I stepped back. "Your ad at me" he sighed "your being self destructive of crouse I am" i frowned "hit me" he backed up "what" I grabbing his mask off. I forced him to look at me. "Hit. Me." He shook his head at me. I hit him. I started hitting him over and over. He just took it. He wouldn't fight. I needed him to fight.  I needed to feel it. "Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! HIT ME!" I screamed it hit looking at his bloody face. He raised his face knocked me on the ground. I held my cheek I pulled myself to my feet. "Do it again" he looked mad. I pushed against the wall. His fist connecting with my eyes he kept hitting. I felt blood running down my face. "DICK!" GET OFF HER! DICK!" I fell on the ground leaning back against the wall. "What have I done" I felt someone's hand on my arm. "What have I done" Someone picked me up. I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't move. He's knocked me senseless. I was more numb than before. I hated it. Then I completely lost feeling of everything.

I felt a soft surface under me. I slowly opened my eyes. "Miss grayson your awake" I groaned he placed an ice pack on my cheek "Alfred where is everyone" I held it to my cheek as he cleaned a cut on my forehead. "Master bruce is with master dick in the cave" I bit my lip "may I go and see them" Alfred nodded helping me up. I walked into the cave with help to see Bruce screaming at dick. I walked over. "Stop" he looked at me "go back to bed." I got in the middle of them "I told him to hit me" Bruce looked at the two of us "is that true?" Dick nodded. "I bought it on myself. I took jasons death hard and I didn't ask for help. I wanted pain instead. Dick was trying to help me and I lashed out if he didnt hit me back I wouldn't have stopped" Bruce frowned. dick wouldn't meet my eyes. "I'm sorry" a tear rolled down my face. "The truth is... I need help" dick looked up bruces face softened.  "I'm need my brother... and Bruce... I need my dad" he took two large paces towards me grabbing me into a hug. I had to do this. Make them think I was getting better. Then I could disappear.


It was too dark. I stood at the atm clearing out a bank card I got from Bruce when I hugged him. I put the card in a trash can and walked towards the bus station.  "One ticket to central city please" I got the money out only to be stopped by a sinister laugh I looked up. "Well hello little brid" my heart skipped a beat as a solid force hit my head. I hit the ground. "You want to disappear my dear. I'll help you." The joker began to drive to bus. And everything slipped away.

Dicks pov

I searched the grounds. Rang her phone. Checked every single hiding place. Her things were gone not even a note. I assumed the worst. Someone's taken her. I ran downstairs to bruce "did you find anything?" He nodded playing some security camera footage "this was 4 hours ago" I saw her standing worried. A bus pulled up. She got on. Then it drove "where was that going" Bruce sighed "central city. I've contacted flash and wally. Their going to look for her. But she could be here and gone by now" I sighed "she's 17 Bruce.  We need to find her and bring her home. She can't be alone it's not safe. Especially since the papers yesterday" I felt terrible I was supposed to make gotham a safer place for her. But people saw me and her fighting yesterday and know she's something to do with me and batman. Meaning she's a brand new target for the villians.

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