Chapter 1: The wait is finally over.

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My eyes opened as I tilted my head back onto the passenger seat. I frowned as I looked over to Hayley, but she wasn't there. I grabbed onto the car door as I swung it open. I jumped out, my only view being a secluded house sat next to a small forest. I looked around as I breathed in the fall air. My stomach sank to the bottom of its existence. I could feel Lukah was near but he wasn't in the car nor in my arms. I appeared up the stairs leading to the porch as I called out Hayley's name. My hand turned the knob of the door as it opened up without my force.

"Shh." A soft voice said as a woman came into view.

"Who are you?" I frowned. I was so tired I didn't feel like pushing her against the wall to hear answers, also, she was at least sixty years old and you have to respect your Elders, ya know.

"I'm Hayley's grandmother." She smiled as she gestured her hand into the other room.

I nodded slowly as I walked into the dining room where there was hot tea waiting. "Where's Hayley?" I asked as I sat down anxiously.

"She's gone, she's out looking for a serum for Freya?" She questioned probably not knowing who Freya was.

"Oh." I gritted my teeth. "Where's my son?"

"They're sleeping. Hope and your son. Their fine." She chuckled.

Thank god. I let a quick breathe of relief out as I walked upstairs to wait for their slumber to end.

5 years later;

I smiled as I watched Hope and Lukah running after each other in the backyard. "Tag!" Lukah shouted as he softly touched Hope. She giggled as she ran after him. Lukah was five years old, he was as sweet as Elijah when I first met him, he reminded me of him everyday. Everyday I looked into his eyes seeing Elijah's eyes. Crying myself to sleep every night knowing he wasn't by my side. I knew I couldn't let myself cry in front of Lukah, he was smart, but he knows his daddy is coming soon and that his daddy was somewhere in the Caribbean.

I had to lie to him just once, for his sake.

"Mommy." Lukah smiled as he ran up to the porch. "Are you okay?" He frowned as he set his hand on mine.

"I'm perfect." I smiled back as I lifted him into my arms allowing him to hug me. "Come on Hope!" I softly shouted as I began walking inside. "Let's see what Aunty Hayley is doing."

As I walked back inside and into the kitchen I set Lukah on one of the chairs near the island as I sat next to him. Then came Hope as she ran in jumping beside us.

"Hi darlings." Hayley smiled as she finished making lunch. I got up grabbing the plates as I set them in the dining room. "Come eat kids." I smiled as I walked back.

"Have you found the rest of the ingredients for Freya?" I asked in a lower tone so the children wouldn't hear me.

"Yeah." She nodded. "There's a girl I've been tracking, I just need her blood and that is the last thing for the serum." She smiled.

I began to get chills as I pictured seeing Elijah again after all this time, and him seeing Lukah whom I know he misses dearly. I had a dream a year ago where I saw everyone together, Elijah, Freya, Rebekah, and Kol. They were having a pic-nic lunch together in a small garden that looked just like the one I use to play hide in seek in when I first became a vampire. I smiled as I turned around to see Lukah and Hope sharing their food with each other. I chucked as I shared a loving look with Hayley as she noticed them too.

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