Chapter 6: The dark and the darker.

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Marcel Gerard

"What happened to her?" Josh asked as he had an expression of shock on his face. Which was funny considering he's seen things that no man has seen. That no man should see.

"The hollow got to her." I sighed as I sat next to her on my bed. "You mustn't tell anyone she's here. You got that, Joshua." I glared at him.

He nodded slowly as stared blankly at me.

I can't let anyone get to her again. I promised her a century ago that I would keep her safe no matter the harm that would come to me, no matter what. And I'm not breaking that promise, not after everything that's happened. I gently brushed my fingers over her hair as I tucked the small piece behind her ear. "I will find a cure, my sister." I softly said as I walked to the door before shutting it closed.

Niklaus Mikaelson

"Rebekah and Kol just landed, I assured them we are just mere moments to retrieving Elijah." I spoke as I walked into the foyer as my eyes glanced to Freya then Hayley. "Don't make me a liar."

"I can't resurrect Elijah until I know for sure his mind is whole again." Freya began as she looked me in the eyes.

"Well you saved Finn with that very trinket, what's the problem now?" I questioned as I pointed down to the broken blue pendent on the table below me.

"When The pendent shattered, so to did Elijah's mind. He's most likely retreated to the most inner core of his consciousness." Freya shook her head, a furious, yet frustrated look in her eyes.

"How do we find him?" Hayley asked placing a hand on her hip.

"I don't know." Freya sighed. "He could be anywhere through out his thousand memories. But if I try to fix the pendent before finding him, and healing his mind, he will be permanently fractured. Like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set."

"Spare me the medical analogy's, and fix it!" I shouted.

"I need to go inside and find him, once I'm sure he's okay, then I will be able to fix the pendent." She shook her head raising her voice just near to mine.

"Well then stop standing around and do it." I glared at her as I couldn't quite find the reasoning as to why I was so furious. Maybe it was the thought of losing my brother forever, or the thought of never bickering with him again.

"Klaus. Take a walk. Let her focus." Hayley said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I glanced over at her as I looked back to Freya. "And what about Isabella? Where is she. Can you do a locator spell, I need to speak with her." I began to calm myself as I thought of Isabella in my mind. Her brunette hair resting behind her shoulders as her dark eyes, resembling smoldering chestnuts stared into your soul.

"She's gone, Niklaus." Freya gave me a sympathetic look as she shook her head. "When The hollow took over her body, there was nothing left of her when the hollow left. I'm sorry, you didn't know?" She frowned.

I stared blankly at her as I couldn't seem to get a word out from my mouth, which was fairly uncommon. "No." I mumbled as I didn't believe what she just said. I turned around on my heel as I walked out the doors and onto the road. I stared at a car just in front of me as it started to make a honking noice from the engine. I sighed as I appeared in front of the door as I ripped it off. I pulled the man out of the car by his shirt as I brought his neck to my mouth. I sucked every pint from this mans body as I dropped him to the ground. I could feel the veins under my eyes as they pulsed through my head. I quickly vanished as I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I would find answers.

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