I always wondered why
When my friends gushed about boys
Their eyes lit up and they couldn't contain their grin
I never understood why it was so thrilling
I could understand the physical attraction
But they never seemed to excite me like they did
For the other girls
So in fifth grade
I'd say that I had a crush on a new boy every week
I saw who other girls liked and modeled choices after them
I might have felt a flutter or two but the spark still wasn't there
I wondered for a long time
Why when I told my friends I had a crush
My mouth felt sour and I couldn't picture a relationship with them
Saying I liked a boy always felt like a lie
Maybe this was how everybody felt
I must just be overthinking it
Then boys began flirting with me
And I was flattered but felt no connection
When I was in sixth grade
My friend threw dirty glances at the two girls
Who acted like lovers
And she said the word lesbian like it was a curse word
When I was in seventh grade
A boy told me that I was weird and I wasn't girly enough
So I went out and bought dresses
And caked makeup on my face to fit in
My whole life
I was told by every adult how disgusting it was
How could two men be together? It's an abomination
And every time I heard it my heart clenched
Every time I slept I dreamed that one day
I'd find my prince and everything would be right
Until one day the thought hit me in the gut
So hard that my breath caught and tears pooled in my eyes
I didn't want a prince
I wanted a princess
And it scared me to death
So I buried it and kept gushing about boys
But one day I met a girl
She had gorgeous flaming red hair
And every time she smiled at me I had to contain a squeal
Finally I understood what the other girls felt and it scared me
Until another thought occurred to me
How could love be an abomination?
How could the pure joy I felt from real love
Be a sin in any way?
So I accepted the butterflies
And told the people I trusted and heard the happiness
The 'I knew it''s and the 'I'm so proud of you''s
And knew that this was what happiness was supposed to feel like
Happiness I wouldn't feel searching for a prince.
~~~Basically this is the past few years of my life put into poetry, so sorry if it sucks but I don't really care~~
Poetic Whispers
PoetryMy most often updated work on wattpad, which contains many different poems from love to several darker themes