Chapter 40

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"This will make you feel better soon.", the nurse whispered to Jia and brushed the strands of hair from her sweaty forehead.

After they had brought away Bo's body, Jia had fainted from exhaustion. It had taken them a while to notice, that the woman was lying on the ground.

Baekhyun had been busy comforting Liling who was still crying desperately, so he noticed it almost too late.

Jia's illness wasn't as advanced as Bo's and no one thought she could actually be in danger of dying before the medicine would arrive.

But Bo's death had taken her will to survive, which was the only thing that kept her alive until now.

"Are you alright?", Baekhyun worriedly stumbled when Jia opened her eyes again. She didn't respond to him and just glanced at him without an expression in her pale face.

"Don't worry, the medicine will heal you again."

A tear reflected the bright light of the bedlight and when Baekhyun blinked it made down it's way to his lips, that trembled from his crying. Jia had never seen him actually crying.

She would do everything to comfort the man who had always been strong for them. But she remained in her bed paralyzed and couldn't even fake a smile for him.

More and more tears followed the little waterdrop and Baekhyun burried his head in Jia's blanket.

Jia slowly moved her weak hand upwards and touched Baekhyun's hand caringly, as if she wanted him to know that it is okay to cry.

Even Liling had finally moved over to Jia's bed and backhugged the man weakly.

He had always been strong when no one else was.

He had always been the one who cared for this big family.

He had always loved unconditionally without needing this love reciprocated.

It was okay for him to cry now.
Now that everything had fallen down.

Everything he always held onto tightly and protected from falling, it had slipped through his exhausted fingers.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't...", he started but the words were drowned in his tears and he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Shh", Liling murmered through gritted teeth.

"You did everything you could."

"I failed."

"You couldn't have saved him..."

Jia surprisedly stared at Liling, who suddenly had become so strong. All those past weeks, Jia noticed how weakened this woman was, how scared she was.

But in this very moment, Jia saw her as the bravest woman in history. She could force this little smile that Jia couldn't even think of, just to make Baekhyun feel better.

The man she still held onto tightly turned around to her and his swollen eyes glanced at her white face. Then he hugged her once again, this time she could let herself fall in his arms, he was all strong again.

He had one last mission.

The next day, Jia was able to stand up again, and the fewer had gone completely. All she wanted to do was leave this place forever. She never wanted to see the empty white walls again, never wanted to smell the scent of death and pain again.

Baekhyun had booked a last flight for them, with the little bit of money he had left, and held both women on his hands when he leaded them out of the hospital.

The sun shone as bright as on the day Bo slept in forever, and Jia desperately watched the last clouds fade on the blue sky.

It seemed like nothing had happened.

The city had been built up again, only a few signs showed the destruction the storm had caused.
The people were missing.

It seemed like she had just arrived here.

With Xiumin.

Baekhyun had told her, that they found his body on the coast. He did everything he could to arrange that he would share his grave with Bo.

"Xiumin will take care of him, I'm sure."

When they finally arrived the airport after two hours sitting in a sticky bus, they took their last belongings, which had fitted in one small rucksack, and carried them to the check in.

As Baekhyun had arranged everything perfectly, there weren't any misunderstandings or complications.

"I'm sorry we can't be at the funeral anymore...", Baekhyun admitted and comforted the women with a bottle of fresh water.

"But otherwise we would have to wait for another month to get a flight back to Korea."

"Thankyou Baekhyun.", Jia whispered instead and took the offered bottle.

"For what?"

"For everything...", Liling smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

"I gave flowers to the doctors, which they will put on their grave."

Thankfully Jia patted his back and then stood up to get on the airplane, which had just arrived.

The sun was setting over the endless blue sea, the clouds were shining in all colours. Quietly Jia stared at the holy sight, she always used to enjoy so much.

Jia had forgotten all the colours during this time, she couldn't call them by their names anymore. Still she focused on the colorful horizon and started thinking of the different shades again.

She felt like she was the only one awake in this plane, everyone else was sleeping peacefully. Liling leaned on Baekhyuns shoulder and seemed to have a bad dream.

Baekhyun woke up from the sudden twitching and his eyes met with Jia's.

"Thanks for saving us, Baekhyun.", Jia repeated and he nodded desperately.

"A pity I could only save the three of us."

"We're four.", Jia smiled at him and brushed over her stomach.

"I have to give something to you."

Baekhyun carefully leaned forward and grabbed his bag, where he got a brown envelope out.

"Bo's letter!"

"He gave it to me so I would give it to you in the right moment."

"I'll open it at home..", Jia stumbled and pressed the envelope onto her heart.

Again she stared out of the window, where the sun just vanished in the dark sea.

The height didn't bother her at all this time.

>\\< this story is slowly getting to an end BUT ITS NOT OVER YET :3

I luv Baekhyun

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