Chapter 24

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Bo bursted into tears as he saw his mother lying on the mattress in front of him. Blinded by the water in his eyes he stumbled and fell down on the mattress next to her. His mother immediatly locked him in a hug and kissed his forehead. Both of them sobbed, but of joy.

As nobody saw it, even Jongdae wiped a little tear out of his eye. It was so beautiful to see them together again.

Worried Bo sat up and stared at his mother.
"Are you ok, mom?"

"I'm ok honey, don't worry."

Bo smiled widely and hugged her again. Now he had his mother back, thankfully he closed eyes, crying again.

"I missed you so much, mom!"

"I'm so sorry darling, I will never ever leave you again!"

Liling's arm had been put in a cast to protect it, and her eye was protected from infections with a bandage. She was in good hands here, the doctors really gave their best to heal everyone.

"How long will you have to stay here?"

"I should leave the room in half an hour, to make place for the people that are having a surgery at the moment..."


She probably also lays in one of these ugly white rooms and people with sharp knifes try to cut her skin into pieces. Jongdae didn't like hospitals, he connected it with his mom, who was spending the last two years of her life in hospital.
He wondered, how Jia was doing.
Is she alright? Is she breathing? Her heart pounding?

Jongdae couldn't wait and ran out of the room leaving behind Liling and Bo, who didn't recognize his disappearance, as they were busy talking about the things that had happened the last 24 hours.

Jongdae was running through the corridors, asking everyone he met, if they saw Jia. But nobody could help him. He would have to find Jia alone.

Uhhh tragic tragic


Hmmm what do u think :"3

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