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"Honey! Hurry up! The food's getting colder!"

I heard my mom scream from kitchen, her voice, echoing through the empty halls of our house.

"Yes Mom!"

I screamed back from my room. Before leaving, I checked myself up in the mirror one last time, to make sure everything was fine. Once I was satisfied with my look, I rushed down the flight of stairs in to the kitchen. Sadly, I can no longer smell the juicy-looking bacon laying in the middle of the table, since it was already warm and not hot, but warm.

"I wasn't able to ask you how your day went yesterday because of work," my mom started off.

And I responded with a short hum, knowing where this would be leading.

"So, how was it?" She asked. It was visible in her voice that she was genuinely curious and wanted to learn more about my day yesterday.

"Well, I got to meet new people. I met a girl named Jennie and invited me to recess with her friends," I said, eyes still focused on my plate.

"That's wonderful! You met a new friend! Hey, why don't you invite her for dinner later, and also her other friends," my mom suggested excitedly.

I found her idea entirely ridiculous. I only met this girl yesterday, I'm not expecting to be entirely part of their group just like that. I don't know that much about her, nor she knows that much about me, but I'm willing to know more about her and her other friends. They seem like people I'd get along and agree through with life, and I find the thought of that relieving. Back in my old school, sometimes, I feel pressured to just agree to everything they say even though I know there are times when it's wrong. I'm the type of person that likes to satisfy people, and it's hard, but now, I think I could be free from pressures this school year, since the way I look at it, Jennie and her group kinda thinks the same way as I do to some things, I think.

"Mom! I just met them, and who knows maybe later they won't invite me anymore to recess nor lunch," I said, wishing they won't do so as I have said.

"Hmph, okay okay, I know I'm overreacting again because you made new friends, but I hope someday you'll invite them in, I'll be expecting," she said, and I looked up, only to see her smiling, crinkling the sides of her eyes.

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