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2 april 2017

nadroj: thanks for paying tdy

nadroj: i don't even fckin know how it's possible to forget my wallet

nadroj: but i'll pay u back sometime later

nadroj: how much was it?

willy wonka: np,, and it's fine, i don't rmb anyway

nadroj: no i insist

nadroj: i'll just pass u 20 bucks

willy wonka: it wasn't that high

willy wonka: rly, it's cool u don't need to pay me back

nadroj: 20 bucks it is

willy wonka: fuck off ur not paying

nadroj: fuck u i'm responsible and i'm paying for what i ate

willy wonka: geez ure stubborn

nadroj: that's how i get the ladies

nadroj: keep persisting until they give up and give in ;;))

nadroj: lol jk

willy wonka: tf

willy wonka: unlike ur desperate ass, i let them make the first move

nadroj: and how many girls have u been with? :)

willy wonka: ..

willy wonka: we need to change the subject asap

nadroj: u know what

nadroj: i think i gotta go

nadroj: i'm so sorry,, i'll talk to u another time?

willy wonka: don't pay me

nadroj: fiNe

nadroj: bye ttyl

now's the time to watch out for the change in dates🤔🤔 oh let me just warn y'all the story's gg to go downhill from here and it's gonna be sad cos i like watching ppl suffer🙃 -aŁ

happy endings are for fairy tales // kiani auWhere stories live. Discover now