the starting of the love game

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The next day

I woke up and did my daily school routine. It

didn't really hit me until Liam and I got to the

school that today was the day Harry and I start

"dating." Just my luck, today he had parked his car

next to my brothers parking spot. He was leaning

against the hood of the car with his hands in his

pockets. I'm guessing he was waiting for me. He

straightened out once my brothers' car was in

sight, Harry grinned. My brother rolled his eyes.

Before I could even get out of the car, my brother

grabbed my hand, gesturing me to look at him.

I looked at him, his eyes were full of nothing

but sorrow and despair.

"What's up?" I asked him.

Even though he told me not to get him involved he

would get involved on his own anyways. He

protects me like he protects his PlayStation.He is like my daddy.ahh i love my brother so much and it really saddens me ro see him hurt,but if i withdraw now harry would humiliate me in front of the whole school,which i dont really want.

what if i really fall in love with him??NO NO STOP THINKING BOUT THIS!!! i told myself.

"Please Sis, please don't get hurt."

I shook my head.

"I won't. I swear." I promised him.

I was lying. I didn't know if I was going to get

hurt or not. I wasn't even sure if I could keep up

with this game. I was going to try my hardest

though, this is for my brother. I leaned over and

gave him a tight hug.I got from the car as he

did the same. Before I could go over to Harry, my

brother was already there.

I would've thought he would say something to

him but no words were spoken. All they did was

bro hug then Liam went back to his car, waiting

for zayn ,niall,louis I suppose. I took in a deep breath

and walked over to him. He pulled me toward him

and brought me into a very tight hug. I got my

backpack from the floor and put the straps on

both shoulders. He did the same. Then we

intertwined our fingers together as we walked

into the school.

I was gasping for air. I didn't know what the

people inside would say or do. I mean, people

outside are already looking and talking among

themselves. My breathing got heavier and my

knees got fragile. He opened one of the two double

doors and let go of my hand so I could go in.

When we both got in he took my hand again and

walked over to where Anki my bff was. He grabbed my

waist and pulled me closely to him, not letting me

go. His arm was still on my waist when we found

Anki. She almost spilled her coke when she

saw us.

"Wow." she said.

Beside anki was antara (she is the naughtiest girl of my class,but she is cute tho)on seeing us she ran at her fullest speed to inform this news to my classmates.

I could tell anki was speechless. I shook my head

with a straight face and looked at the ceiling.

"I didn't think you guys would umm actually go for

it. But congrats to both of you."

I glared at her. Why did I do this? What's the

point of this? To get hurt? No. I didn't want to get

hurt but I was already involved. So if I called all of

this off, I knew that I would lose. I didn't want to

get humiliated in front of the whole school...

under any circumstances.

Harry's P.O.V

I looked at her. She has pain, anger and

sadness in her eyes. You name it, she probably

had it. I grinned at myself though. This is way to

easy, in a couple days she's going to break. I feel

bad for Liam because once I win and humiliate

her, he's not going to be able to do anything about

it. He's going to have to stand there, on the side

lines, hopeless. That's the only thing I'm worried

about, losing my best friend. I dropped that

feeling because I knew what I was going to do. I

was going to talk to Liam after school, just to

make sure that there's no hard feelings.

After school ---------------

Harry's P.O.V

I headed toward my car alone. Usually, I

would have my ex-gf on my side but to tell you the

truth, it feels good to be alone. I don't have to

hear that overly high-pitched voice anymore or

those annoying heels clicking on the cement. I

waited for Pratty to come out of the school so I

could drive her home but her brother came out

first. I waved him over. He gave me a confused

look but walked toward my car.

"What do you need man?" He asked as we shook


"I gotta talk to you , I'll be over at your house

and I'll take Pratty home if you would like." I

sincerely said.

He nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be at home, see you there."

I bobbed my head as he got into his car and drove

off. Shortly after, Pratty walked out, hugged Anki and exchanged bye-byes to her close friend sam,deb,srijita and mili i guess.

and walked over to my car,with an annoying look.

"Where did Liam go?" she asked as I gave her a

tight hug.

"I'm taking you home today." I smiled.

She tensed up but got into the car anyways. I just

really hope that whatever happens, Liam and I

stay friends without it being awkward.

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