Ana you are a witch

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the day that I dreaded the most wasn't my worst

nightmare anymore. Although I woke up at 4 in

the morning, I wasn't scared to go to school and I

shouldn't be scared either. Harry spent the night

and slept in my room also which meant he woke

up at the time I woke up.

"Babe, why are you awake so early? It's 4." He

said, sleepy voice and all.

"I don't know, I just woke up and can't go back to

sleep." I frowned.

"I'll stay awake with you then." He smiled.

He shifted in bed and turned the t.v while I messaged Anki who was probably asleep. Once I was done with that, I found

out what clothes I would wear for school. Not acknowledging

that Harry was in the room, I stripped down to my

bra and underwear then pulled my pants up and

pulled my shirt over my head, Harry whistled at

me. I looked at him shocked, did I just do that?

"That was pretty sexy." He said.

"Don't use that word." I snickered.

I threw his pants at his face then he got up and

also stripped down to his boxers. I tried to look

away but to no avail, my body was frozen. He

looked up and snickered.

"You like what you see?"

I looked away not answering his question.

We still had a long time until it was actually

time to leave so we laid back down on the bed and

snuggled against each other with the light off and

the t.v on. The next thing I knew, we were both

fast asleep.

2 hours later

i gotta a call from anki

"pratty i diot go to school , today please tell me about the homework?"

"sweetie even i did not go"


"Harry and i overslept,why did not you go to school?"

" dumb! forgot?"

"yea i guess"

"today i have to go renew my passport"

"oooo shit forgot sorry"

"not a problem ,byee Sweetie gotta go"

"byee cupcake muahh"

I shot up from my bed as Harry did the same.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"We overslept." I hollered.

It is 9:30 and school starts at 7. I shrugged my


"Oh well."

We both chuckled and got up to change back into

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