he is here for me

111 8 1

"Let's get out of here.

It's going to start raining

pretty soon." harry demanded.

I shook my head, I didn't want to leave the park. I

dragged my feet making him put force.

"Stop!" I yelled.

He did as he was told and looked at me in

confusion. I could see devastation in his eyes,

immediately making me regret even yelling at


"Sorry." I whispered.

He gave me half a smile and clutched me tightly;

yet it was comforting. Maybe it was enough

thinking for me today, maybe I should just forget

about everything for right now. I noticed I've

been trying to forget about everything for a while

now, then again, maybe it's good for me. I

returned the smile then walked over to his car,

opening the door to the passenger side. He quickly

made his way to the drivers side, getting in and

turning the car on.

"So, where do you want to go today?" He

asked not taking his eyes off the road.

"How about we go home?" I gave him a bright


He chuckled.


I shook my head. I didn't want to go anywhere but

home. I wasn't dressed to go out, it doesn't matter

where we went.

"How about we go to the movies? You haven't

done anything since summer break started. Plus,

you're always locked in your room." he vocalized.

"How about we don't?" I gave him attitude. "I'm in

sweats and your hoodie. I look ugly right now." I


He smiled to himself then grabbed my hand,

locking our fingers together.

"You look perfect."

I couldn't help but blush at the comment. I

had to give in, he was right. I needed to get out of

the house if not I was probably going to go


"Fine." I smiled.

This boy just made my week.

He took a short cut to the movies so we were

there in no time. We walked inside, me keeping a

distance from him but not far enough for him to


"Okay, you get the food and I'll get the tickets.

Sound okay?" he solicited.

I nodded.

"Sounds good to me."

Harry inclined his head and parted from me,

making his way to the ticket booth. I walked up to

the counter only to be greeted by the handsome


"Hey beautiful, what can I get for you today?" He


Oh great, it's another Harry in the making. I

mentally rolled my eyes.

"Can I get one big bucket of butter popcorn and 2

large sodas please." I asked in monotone.

"Sure thing baby." he winked once more.

Next thing I know, I feel an arm around my waist

bringing me closer. I could smell is cologne from

miles away, it's Harry. He kisses my cheek then

turned to the guy.

"Wanna keep flirting with my girlfriend bro?"

Harry inquired furiously.

The cashiers face turned from flirtatious to


"Sorry ma'am, I didn't know you had a boyfriend.

I don't know why a pretty lady like you would be

with such an ill-behaved guy like him." The

cashier who's name was Paul smirked evilly.

Harry's eyes turned red in anger. I could see the

veils popping out of his hands from how hard he

was clutching his fists. He slammed his hand

against the counter.

"I didn't come here to be insulted by a

coward. I definitely didn't come here for you to

flirt with my girlfriend so I'm going to ask you

nicely. Please give us our damn food so we could

enjoy our movie dammit! There are people in line

who want to watch a movie too you know." He


Paul could see the fury in Harry's eyes so he

quickly filled a bucket with popcorn and the 2

sodas I asked for. After that, we were on our way

to see the movie. He held onto my hand and

kissed my cheek.

I checked on Harry every once in a while just

to make sure he was cooling down. His face

turned soft when we sat down in our seats.

"You took that a little bit too personal don't you

think?" I asked while looking at him.

"Nobody messes with my girlfriend. Nobody."

His girlfriend? I'm sorry, last time I remember he

didn't care about me, now he thinks I'm his

girlfriend? I still feel grateful that he stuck up for

me. Again, this is the kind of thing I need in my


         I know I'm going to regret saying this later

on but he's the kind of person I need in my life.

Love You More Than This (Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now