Friends Betray

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Once I got home, I

made my way into my restroom and looked under

my sink for my first aide kit. Once I found it, I

grabbed it from the handle and slammed it on the

counter top immediately pushing the levers up to

open the lid. I got out a bandage and some

disinfectant and starting to rub my cuts with it,

biting my lip and hoping that I wouldn't scream.

Once the cuts on my hand were clean I wrapped

the worse hand with the brown bandage then I

closed the box and shoved it back into the bottom

of the sink. I turned off the restroom light and

made my way toward my bed where I would lay

down and look up at the ceiling. Flashbacks raced

in my mind about today, my parents wouldn't be

too happy if they heard about this.

I crossed my legs and locked my fingers as

my hands laid gently on my stomach. I put all the

force I could into this fight and I knew that it

wasn't going to take long for my hands to turn

shades of purple, blue and green. I smiled,

satisfied just thinking about how I left Jenners' face

but then again I felt guilty because I was supposed

to be the nerd who never got in trouble and got

straight A's on every report card but I guess every

nerd has her rebellion.

I waited in my room until school ended, then

about 15 minutes later I heard a knock on my

door. I turned my back toward the door not

wanting to see whoever was on the other side, for

I knew that they would open the door anyways. I

was correct, whoever was behind the door opened

it and closed it gently behind them.

"Pratty, can we talk about today?" Harry asked.

"Why can't you just wrap your head around what

liam told you?" I gave him an attitude.

"liam didn't tell me anything. All he said was

that you wanted to talk to me." He softly said.

I rolled my eyes and let out an angry groan, I was

going to kill liam. I turned around again

making sure I was careful with my hands and

looked at his tear stained eyes.

"We have nothing to talk about." I simply said.

"Yes we do, we have a lot to talk about. Why did

you beat her up sweetheart? I thought you were better

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