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Before we could even

think of touching the

kitchen, we decided it would be best to clean up

the whole house. Silly string was everywhere. On

the couches, the floor, the walls. I put my hands

on my waist and looked around.

"Maybe using 3 cans of silly string wasn't a good

idea." I chuckled as I scratched my head.

"Yeah, we should've thought about that. Now we

have to clean all of this up." Harry groaned.

I started to pick the mess up and form it into a

ball. After, I threw it in the trashcan and reprised

my steps. Once in a while Harry would make a joke

and having me laughing yet we were still working

hard and in the matter of 30 minutes we were all

done. At the same time, we both fell on the couch

breathless and exhausted.

"So now what?" I asked not looking at him.

Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking we could go outside.

The snow has called down a little bit and we

aren't snowed in anymore."

I looked outside. He was right about that. The

snow wasn't as bad as this morning but I didn't

feel like going outside anymore, I didn't feel like

going snowboarding. All I wanted to do was sit on

the couch with my love with his arms wrapped

around me.

We laid on the couch for about one hour

when my phone started to vibrate. Puzzled, I took

it out of my sweats pocket and checked who it was.

Anki had sent me 1 text message while I found

pretty funny because she didn't even care to talk

to me. Now that we are going back to school she

wants to talk to me? Okay.

To: Pratty

From: Anki

Pratty! Haven't talked to you in a while /: I'm so

sorry, I've been super busy! Chester and I are

officially a couple! Isn't that cool? How are you

and Harry doing? You need to give me the debts.

ASAP! ^.^

I looked at her text and reasoned with myself.

Should I text her back? Or should I not? I gestured

my shoulders and came to a decision.

To: Anki

From: Pratty

Hey Anki, I know it's been a while. It's very

unhealthy for us to be so far apart. I can't believe

Love You More Than This (Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now