I walked into my room
and passed my mirror
taking a quick glance at myself. I took two steps
back so that I could look at myself again, I looked
dreadfully disgusting. I grabbed my make-up bag
from my restroom along with some Q-tips and
started carefully taking the smeared make-up off
my face. I picked up my eyelash curler about to
start putting a fresh coat of make-up on when
Chris came into my room and took my make-up
away from me.
"What did you do that for?" I asked angrily.
Nobody and I mean nobody messes with my
"No, don't put all the crap on your face." He
answered straightforwardly.
I gave him a perplexed look before reacting to his
"Why not?"
He got my mascara and put it back in my bag.
"Because you don't need to cake make-up on your
face. You look beautiful just the way you are." He
attractively grinned from ear to ear.
I looked at him in awe for the same reason that
he's never said anything that sweet to me, it
couldn't take it. My face turned a scarlet pink, I
put my head down so that he wouldn't see me.
"Baby, don't turn away when you blush, you look
cute when you do that."
His remark make me blush even more. He put
both fingers underneath my chin and slowly
brought my eyes to meet his. I tried to stay out of
his gaze by looking somewhere else but it seemed
as if my eyes were magnets, I couldn't keep my
eyes off him. He slowly leaned in until out lips
barely touched. His kisses mezmorized me, it felt
as if every time he touched me he would put a
spell on me and I would fall every time.
Harry sat on the bed and had my hands in his
when we heard a piercing scream. My heart
instantaneously started to race as fear took over
my whole body. Both off our heads quickly turned
to the door, we needed to find out what was going
on. As quickly as we could we ran downstairs only
to see Liam on one knee.... he had proposed to
Mili. She vaulted all around the house with her
hand in the air showing off her perfect princess
cut diamond ring. I didn't know why but I
suddenly turned to Liam and gave him a
pained expression. I didn't say a word all I did

Love You More Than This (Harry Styles fanfiction)
Fanfiction"One day you'll love me." He whispered in my ear. "You mean nothing to me. I'll make sure that I never fall in love with you NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS" I barked back. He grinned. "We'll see about that." will pratty fall in love with with harry i find...