This guy is cute

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I woke up in the

morning and immediately

got ready for this day of not only excitement but

there would be many surprises and shocks.I

applied a tint lip balm. I

put just a tiny bit of blush then I changed a nice

pair of dark blue jeans with a plain white v-neck

and a cute hoodie. I wanted to look nice today, I

didn't want to be bumming it, especially at the

cemetery where there would most likely be more

families that would be visiting their loved ones

that have passed to the after life. While I got

ready, harry was in the restroom taking a shower.

I was going to admit, I was a little very nervous of

how harry would react when he sees me cry. He's

definitely seen me cry before, but once I walk

towards my parents' graves, they water works

start and they don't stop until we leave. I tell

myself all the time that I'm not going to cry but I

always end up doing to opposite.

With he heart racing at 100 mph, we got into

the car and on his phone, he put in the directions

to the cemetery. I knew the directions but it was

such a mix up and I myself would sometimes find

myself asking for directions. We drove through

bumpy roads, curvy roads and had to drive on the

side of a cliff but finally we made it to the gates.

We parked and got out. My heart went from 100

mph to 250 mph and my head was spinning in all

different directions. Hand in hand we both

walked into the double gates with me leading the

way of course. Right when I got to my parents'

tombs I could already feel the tears start to form

in the brim of my eyes. I gently set the bouquet of

flowers down in front of their gravestone along

with the teddy bear. harry laid out the blanket that

we had brought so that we could sit on it instead

of the cold grass. I sat down and leaned my head

against harry's shoulders as he tried to warm me

up from the freezing cold shivers that ran along

my body. Tears came out of my eyes landing on

either the ground, my arms or harry's hoodie.

'You don't know how my I miss you guys mom

and dad. I don't know why but if you guys were

here, I think you'd really grow to like harry. He

helps me out in almost everything.' I thought to

myself. Usually I will talk to them but since harry

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