But i do not want him to lose his,bff

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louis pushed me

back after he was done with his little make-out

scene. Yes, I'm saying his make-out scene because

not once did I ever kiss him back, I didn't want to

kiss him back. i looked at him in the eyes, those

bright blue eyes that were once filled with

sympathy were now filled with enormity. I paused

for a little bit then slightly turned my head over to

Harry, who's hands were balled up into fists and

that sweet face that I both loved and hated was

gone. His eyes were now black with anger. He was

even more mad then when the cashier at the

movies flirted with me. I could tell liam was

speechless, he stayed there frozen and unwilling to


"I- it wasn't me harry I swear!" I said over and


I really hoped he'd let me off the hook.

"This doesn't count. The game isn't over yet."

He help up his hand signaling me to be quiet.

I did as I was told.

"First of all." harry started.

I stared at him with wide eyes, anxiously waiting

for what he was going to say.

He walked over to Louis, pushing him back so

that we would keep our distance.

"First of all, I want to know what the hell you

are doing kissing my girlfriend. She is MINE

louis, not yours." He yelled.

louis just smirked and shook his head as he

rolled his eyes.

"No she's not harry. She wouldn't be yours if you

guys didn't play this game. You'd still be trying to

get into all those girls' pants. Do you really think

it's fair for guys like me who want to actually date

Pratty? No it's not. Why? Because she's too busy

playing a game with bastards like you who doesn't

really care about her. You just want to humiliate

her, take her reputation and throw it in the

trash." louis spat.

harry was now heated, enraged, incandescent.

Any word you could think of that resembled

furious, that's what harry was. I could tell that he

was trying to control himself, he was trying not to

hit one of his best friends who just insulted him.

His eyes turned from green to black in the matter

of seconds. This is the harry nobody wants to see;

he frightened me. I was also very alarmed by the

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