By the time Mrs.
Jacobson left with Bryson, it
was literally time to go to sleep. So that's exactly
what harry and I did. Together, we both got bed
ready. We threw all the pillows on the chair and
moved the quilt to get under it. Then we got into
the same position we get in every night and then
finally we peacefully both drifted off to sleep.
I woke up the next day to the sound of birds
chirping yet the dark clouds were setting in
meaning that it would rain soon. I looked over to
my left to see that harry wasn't in bed anymore so I
decided to get out and see where he was at. I
walked down the dark hallways and carefully
walked down each step in caution, making sure I
didn't fall. He was in the kitchen softly talking to
liam, it looked like if something was bothering
him.liam saw me and moved around
uncomfortably.harry looked over his shoulder and
looked at me, looked back at liam and changed
the conversation.
" I'm probably going to take mili to this fancy
restaurant that just opened up a couple hours from
here so we won't get home til tomorrow probably."
Damian spoke loudly.
"Oh okay well we will be here then." harry smiled.
He turned around and walked out of the kissing but
not before he kissed my cheek. I gave him a cheeky
smile then walked in and got a hot pocket out of the
"So you're taking mili to a restaurant?" I asked
putting the hot pocket in the microwave.
"Yup so you and harry have the whole house to
yourselves tonight." liam winked.
"You're so gross liam." I rolled my eyes.
Something seemed completely off. To begin with,
liam would never in a million years leave me
alone with harry for a night. He's super protective
around me and if another ever happened to me,
he'd most likely kill harry. He didn't respond after
that, he simply gave me a big, bright smile. Once
my food was done I got it out of the microwave and
walked back downstairs.

Love You More Than This (Harry Styles fanfiction)
Fanfiction"One day you'll love me." He whispered in my ear. "You mean nothing to me. I'll make sure that I never fall in love with you NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS" I barked back. He grinned. "We'll see about that." will pratty fall in love with with harry i find...