Pratty's P.O.V
The drive home with
Harry was awkward and silent. He would try to
break the silence once in a while but would stop
talking after I would give him one word answers (i am a pro at giving one word answers according to anki). I
was just completely out of it today. I looked out the
window and saw the trees passing by. The leaves
were trickling water from the big storm we had
when school was in secession. It was still raining
but it was manageable.
"Are you hungry?" Harry asked looking my
"Yeah." those one word answers.
Harry pulled up to the drive-thru of my favorite KFC (harry isnt that bad but still im not going to fall for him) Let me just tell you, their
chicken and burgers and krushers were indeed very delicious. He got us
a complete meal, including one for Liam. I
knew Liam would appreciate it. I put the food
on my lap and the drinks went inside the cup
holders. I looked out the window again and
started thinking of Harry.
I know for a fact that Harry has a little soft
stop inside of his heart somewhere. My goal
wasn't to win anymore. My new goal was to bring
out that soft spot in his heart so he could see how
much of a jerk he's being. He needs to realize that
playing girls isn't right. It hurts us and we are left
scarred for life because of guys like him. We lose
the certainty we once had for guys because of
people like him. We forgot how it feels to sense
fondness, warmth and attachment to a person. So
that's my objective, to make him stop playing
I got the food off the car while he got the
foods. I quickly got my burger, fries and my
krusher and headed upstairs without saying another
word. I wasn't mad, just too deep in thought to
speak. I opened my door, walked in and silently
closed it behind me with my foot. I set my food
down on my lamp side table and picked up my
picture frame of my family. My mom, my dad,Liam and I (liam and i were missing our parents very much.Mum and dad stay in U.S. as they are journalist and they have their own company and liam and i stay here because we don't want to stay in SUCH A BUSY,URBANISED COUNTRY). I turned the t.v on, laid on my bed
and started eating. The chicken burger tasted like
heaven in my mouth.
Harry's P.O.V
I watched as Pratty went up to her room, she
seemed to have been lost in thought. I shrugged
my shoulders while looking at Liam and took
out my food.
"Thanks for the food man, I owe you." Liam
I chuckled.
"It's fine, that's what bro's are for." I said.
We both sat down at the table.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?"
Liam cross-examined.
"I wanted to talk to you about this game Pratty and
I are playing."
Liam exhaled.
"Look , you know that I love my sister. You
know that she always comes first in my life. I just
can't imagine my sister getting hurt, especially by
my best friend." Liam said.
I stayed quiet. He went on.
"She just hasn't been the same since our
parents don't stay with us.Pratty is totally a mamma's girl she loves mum so much,i urged mum and dad so many times but they don't listen ,sometimes i think we are just a mistake. I don't know what to do anymore
man. And if she gets hurt then I feel like she's
going to go into more of a depression."
I looked at him, he really did care for Pratty.
"I'm not going to humiliate her Liam. I just said
that to scare her."
He shook his head.
"That doesn't matter Harry, what if she falls for you
I stared at him. Yeah, what if.
Pratty's P.O.V
I finished my chicken burger wanting more. I
walked downstairs with my trash and turned the
corner into the kitchen but stopped when I heard
Harry and Liam talking. All I heard was Liam
say, "That doesn't matter harry,what if she falls
for you anyways." I almost barfed everything out.
My brother thinks i'm going to fall in love with
Harry? I wanted to laugh. I wouldn't fall for him
even if this world depended on it. I refuse to fall
in love with him, I refuse. I waited for a minute
then walked in loudly making sure they knew I
was coming. They automatically stopped talking
about me and changed the subject, like if I didn't
"So are we going to watch the soccer game this
weekend?" Liam asked Harry
"Yeah, hopefully this time manchester united win." He smiled.
Wait what? Harry? Smiling? This is the first. He's
never smiled before, it's always been more of a
I stared at them in confusion, playing along.
I knew they were talking about this ridiculous
problem I got myself into with Harry but why?
Liam specifically told me not to get him
involved. I wasn't going to get him involved
anyways. I smiled at them then left the kitchen.
Right after I turned the corner, my smile turned
into a frown.
Maybe my brother is right, what if I
accidentally fall in love with Harry?

Love You More Than This (Harry Styles fanfiction)
Fanfiction"One day you'll love me." He whispered in my ear. "You mean nothing to me. I'll make sure that I never fall in love with you NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS" I barked back. He grinned. "We'll see about that." will pratty fall in love with with harry i find...