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The next day I got up and walked again. The same thing happened. I got lost in thought and wound up in Hollywood. This time, though, I kept walking. I past a group of five guys and one of them fought my eye. I recognized him. I assume he thought the same cause he looked at me too. I didn't want to look stalkerish so I put my hood up and kept walking. Five minutes later we passed by again. I got a good look at him this time and it hit me like a double decker train.
"Zach!" I ran to him.
"Paige!" He ran towards me as well. When we reached each other we hugged and he lifted me and spun me in the air.
"I missed you sooo much." Happy tears misted my eyes.
"I missed you too."
The other guys, looking confused, caught up to us and one with bleached blonde hair said,
"I think I'm speaking for all of us when I ask who this is." All of them nodded and Zach said,
"This is my best friend in the whole world! Once I moved out here we lost contact and haven't talk in two years." His cheeks turned a bit more red than usual.
"I thought I was your best friend!?" One that looked like George Washington smushed with a bowl of noodles said,
"But I thought I was your best friend?"
Zach laughed and got even redder,
"Well yeah, but Paige is my best friend in the whole world. Since like preschool we've known each other. She's special." Now he looked like a tomato.
Zach POV
"Well yeah, but Paige is my best friend in the whole world. Since like preschool we've known each other. She's special." I meant it. She truly is special. I could feel my self heating up like a toaster oven but I only spoke the truth in those moments.
"Ooh baby face has a girlfriend." Jonah said while laughing. She started turning red. I just heated up even more.
"No no Jonah. That's not it."
"Oh yeah," Paige said breaking the awkwardness,
"Are you gonna introducing me?"
"Right. The one that looks like a bowl of noodles, that's Jack. The one that's been smiling constantly this whole time, that's Daniel. Blondie, that's Corbyn and last the  tall guy. Yeah that's Jonah."
"Nice to meet you guys."
You see this is what I like about Paige she is cool about everything. She doesn't have a care in the world yet she is so kind and polite. She's artistic, creative, funny, super duper sweet, and adventurous yet can be so mischievous, daring, and sneaky. All of her qualities are perfect. They fit her so well and I know that she'll go along perfect with the guys.
Paige POV
Zach introduced me and I could tell that I was going to get along perfectly fine with his other guy friends. This is why I don't have many friends that are girls. They care to much about makeup and such (not stereotyping girls. Don't think that. I am sorry) they also giggle at everything (not a stereotype) and worry too much about getting dirty or finding something new and not knowing where do go of what to do (still not stereotyping it's just for the story). I guess you can call me kind of a tomboy. I accept it. And so does Zach. This is why we are best friends. We go together. Music and art. It's how it works. I then realize that it has been silent for a while and that me and Zach have been lost in our own worlds and the guys have just been staring. Zach then pops back to reality and says,
"So. Do you want to come back to our house?"
"Sure!" I said seeming a little too excited. Once he said our house and since he was with other guys and can sing. I kind of figured he was in a band. Little did I know that they were so huge.

Since Then//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now