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I decided to just go back to the boys house for the night and sleep on the couch cause it was like ten by the time we finished our Chipotle and I didn't care so. Anyways, we went to their house and Corbyn put on Daddy's Home cause he's weird and hek why not. We got snacks and I sat down between Zach and Jonah, we laughed through the whole movie and we all had a great time. Afterwards we decided to watch Full House cause I mean hell why not? I ended up falling asleep on Zach. The second before I fell asleep I realized this and knew the boys would make fun of us for it, but I was comfortable. I felt safe.
-Time Skip cause people don't do anything while they sleep-

In the morning I woke up still laying on Zach's chest. The boys were standing around us taking photos, it sorta ticked me off.
"Whoever takes another photo is getting a punch to the face."
Corbyn looks at me, smirks, then a flash comes from his phone. A shoot him a death glare and Jonah says, "See you on the other side, buddy." I got up swiftly making sure not to wake up Zach and charge at Corbyn. We sprint al throughout the house not wasting a second to breath. Eventually Corbyn locks himself in his room. I run outside, stack everything in sight that's stackable and start climbing. After climbing up to the window and finding it unlocked stupid on his part and I open it and go inside. He doesn't hear or see me enter. I sneak up behind him and tackle him to the ground. He screams like a little girl and yells "ROBBER!"
"Jesus, it isn't a robber it's me."
"Oh. How did you get in here?"
"You left your window unlocked."
"I'm not going to ask how you got to a second story window."
"And I wasn't going to answer it anyways." I laughed, "but I do keep my promises." I don't punch him in the face cause you know, I'm not THAT mean. Instead I punch him hard in the shoulder.
"It's your fault." We both laugh.
"I see why Zach is friends with you."
We walked back downstairs together and Zach is somehow still asleep on the couch. Corbyn was holding the shoulder I punch and the boys were waiting downstairs to see who "won"
"So I'm assuming Paige won?"
"Yep!" I said proudly.
"You are my new favorite person Paige. You can hang with us anytime you want."
"Alright then."
———Time Skip (I'm lazy)———
Once Zach woke up we all decided to go to Starbucks and then back to my apartment. We were all having a good time. But I can't help but wonder if Daniel, truly was having a good time. He hasn't said a word to me since I have come and he just seems to not have very much of a liking for me.
Daniel POV (didn't expect that did ya?)
I have almost never seen Zach this happy. Even though Paige has only been here for two days he has been practically glowing. He's been smiling more than me. I haven't really talked to her, even though I REALLY want to. I just don't want to ruin any moment with her and Zach or make things weird. But I'm going to have to talk to her soon. Just like most things in life though, I have to wait.

Hey guys so thanks for reading another chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! I hope you are all enjoying this book/story and I will try to post on a consistent basis. Luv ya ❤️

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