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I got in my car and drove at lightning speed to the WDW house. The door was unlocked so I walked right in and saw Liv on the couch with Daniel kissing him...


I gasped a little too loudly and Olivia jerked around. 


"No... just... leave me alone." I ran. I ran until my feet couldn't run anymore. I didn't care that I'd left my car back at the house. I didn't care about anything except the fact that my cousin and best friend was kissing the guy that totally screwed me up last night. It wouldn't even be that big of a deal but JONAH. What about Jonah?! I decided to call him no matter how much of a wreck I was. I got to my apartment grabbed a box of cereal and FaceTimed Jonah. It only took two rings for him to pick up.

"Hey Pai- Woah. You look like you were tackled by a bear, eaten by a fish and spit back out."

"Thanks, Jonah but this ain't the time." 

"Oh God, what happened." I took a deep breath in and let it out.

"So you know how you texted me saying that Liv was goin to your house and I said okay?"


"Well I went to the house to see what gives and I walked in on them passionately kissing." His face dropped and he just seemed to freeze.. oh wait no that was my phone. But when my phone unfroze he looked like the saddest person alive on Earth. 

"Jonah... Maybe I shouldn't have told you? I'm sorry. I feel just as bad...I.."

"Paige," he took a deep breath "I'm glad you told me. It's not like one of those books where the friend doesn't tell and then all of 'em get into a fight. Am I happy about Liv and Dani? Not. It's like hell on Earth. What do I do Paige?!"

"I don't know. I'm as screwed up about this as you are."

"How about I come back to LA."

"NO! You gotta have Christmas with your family."

"If I'm gonna stay here I'm gonna be thinking about what Daniel and LIv are gonna do next and be all depressed. At least if I come back to LA I can stop it before anything else happens."

"It's your call, Jonah. Tell your sister I said 'hi' by the way."

And with that, the call was ended. I flopped back on my bed tired of crying and just slept. I woke up the next morning at like 11:00 (idk how she slept so long) to see Jonah standing in the kitchen with a coffee (typical Jonah).


"Oh, hey Paige."

"How the hell did you get in my apartment."

"Yeah, I know you keep a spare key under the rock outside. You know, for an artist that was very creative."

"That rock is a fake. I made it out of the head of a manikin head and paper mache (prob. spelled that wrong lol)"

"Toche (prob. spelled that wrong too lol)"

Jonah was gonna sleep on the couch in the apartment until the rest of the guys got back. We decided that my friend Cami a.k.a tech genius would set up some cameras in windows and doorways and such to catch what is going on. Then once Jonah and I get emotionally crushed we'll figure out what to really do. Jonah and I FaceTimed Zach in the late afternoon to tell him all the crap that's going down.



"So you're telling me that Olive went to our house so you went to see what was going on, so you went to see why she went and when you got there she was kissing Daniel."

"You didn't have to recap we're both already emotionally crushed."

"That's it I'M COMING BACK TO LA RIGHT NOW." He got out his laptop and before I could stop him he purchased a ticket.

"Zach you don't have to do this... Really."

"No, Paige I'm coming back and whether Corbyn or Jack come or not imma kick Daniel's arse."

"Why do you care so much?" He sighed.

"Because Paige. You're my BEST FRIEND. And I wanted to ask you out and I care about you and when your this upset then I hate myself inside, and it just UGGGHHH!"

"Wait. Hold up. Did you say that you were gonna ask me out?"

"Imma go and get some coffee." Jonah said as he walked away mouthing to Zach 'Good Luck'.

Zach sighed for the millionth time during that call.

"Yeah. And that's why it crushes me so much. Daniel and the boys all knew about it, yet he decided to stab me in the back and still go and ask you out for himself."

"Zach... why me though. There are millions of girls that would join the Hunger Games if it meant they could spend an hour with you."

"I liked you before fame, Paige. Ever since the eighth grade. I care about you just as much as I care about my family and the other guys except Dani at the moment."

"Aww. Zach."

"I really wanna keep talking to you but I gotta go tell my mom they I'm leaving for LA in three hours. Can we talk about this when I get there?"

"Of course. Tell your mom I said 'hi'. And tell Reese too."

"K. See ya later."


The call ended and I fell back onto my bed. So much has happened in the past couple of days and it's wearing me out. I fell asleep and woke up a few hours later and saw Zach and Jonah talking on the couch. 


"Hey, Paige!"

"How long have you been here?"

"Like an hour."

"Yeah, you've been asleep for like 7 hours," Jonah added.

"Sorry 'bout 'dat."

Jonah and I explained everything to Zach.


We all sighed in exasperation. 

"Well.. let's blow this taco stand."

Sorry about the chapter not being too eventful. I have ideas I just gotta put 'em together. Thanks for reading chickadees!

Since Then//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now