The Coming

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Hey I'm Kathy Midsummer and I'm a werewolf. I'm the first in line for Luna and my sister, Trizi Midsummer is second. Our father, Christopher Midsummer is Alpha of the pack and our mother, Alicia Midsummer is the Luna of our pack. Im 17 and I have long dark brown flowing hair, golden rimmed hazel eyes, and im pretty tall. My werewolf has pretty white fur with sparks of gold, i still have the same eyes. My sister, Triz she is 16, has beautiful dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes and shes about the same hieght as me. Her werewolf has the fur colour is a shiny silver and it has green eyes. Since we're still teens, we have to go to high school. Our high school is full of werewolves, humans and vampires. This is our life as were wolves.

Kathy's Pov

It's our first day back to school, I'm just talking to my friends while we walk there. We're all werewolves and that's what really connects us.

"So how do you think ifs going to be like?" Lizz asks.

"Great." Tj says.

"Perfect senior year for me." I say keeping my head held high.

"I'm stronger than Andrew now, that's all I know." Daniel says challenging Andrew, they always do this.

"Oh yea, wanna bet?" Andrew raises an eyebrow. They both turn into their wolves and start fighting, I just roll my eyes.

"Guys save it for later" I say.

"Go Daniel! Go Daniel!" Triz cheers.

"Trizi!!! Stop it, that will just make Andrew feel weaker." Izzy says. Andrew growls.

When we finally get there and Andrew and Daniel stop fighting, it was already time for class.

We all were in mostly the same class, and Taylor, my best guy friend was in the all of my classes. See this is the best year ever.

Triz's Pov

We all sat at the same table at lunch. The food here stinks, literally.

"I don't like any of these things." I pout and put down my fork.

"Will go...hunting...after triz! You just have to eat up for now." Kathy says.

I just try to keep quiet cause Jacob's behind her. Jacob's her mate, at least that's what he says. Girl were wolfs can't scent there mate until there 18. Jacob has dark brown hair, he's pretty tall, is tanish, and his eyes are a silver rimmed dark brown but it looks like black to me. Jacob is sneezing behind Kathy, she hates being scared and that's why I'm trying,not to laugh.

Kathy eyes are wide now. "What is it triz?" She asks

Jacob picks her jumps and spins her. She screams scaredly. I just sit there and laugh my head off. Her scream is harlious. Jacob puts her down.

I watch Damon, he leaning against the wall behind me. I wasn't too far from it but it still seemed pretty close. I've had a crush on him since he kissed me on the cheek in 5th grade. I really wish I could talk to him but I don't know how. Every time I try talking to him, I say weird things and walk away. He's on his phone right now so I don't think he sees me staring at him. He has messy dirty blonde hair, he's taller than me and has neon blue and green eyes.

"Hey triz, I know that the winter dance is still a few months away but I was wondering if you would..." Tj says. But I don't really pay attention.

Izzy interrupts him "hey guys, who are they?" She says looking at the glass walls.

We look where she is staring. There were vampires, new ones. Those things disgust me. Already the vampires here stink but more! Ugh why can't it just be werewolves.

There was a long blonde hair girl, a redhead girl, two brown hair guys, and a dirty blonde guy who looked like the leader.

"Stop staring." Andrew says to us.

"Whatever." Jacob says.

"Look I have to go but I'll see you later Kathy." Jacob says standing up and kisses Kathy's head before he leaves.

"Can't we kill them." Izzy says.

"I really want to." Kathy says playing with the salad the lunch ladies made horribly.

"But we can't, everyone will find out." Daniel says logically.

"Fine we won't." I say smirking. I got a great idea.

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