What will I do?

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Triz's POV

For a month we've been training to defend our territory from the vampires, they still haven't came but we will be waiting. Our training got harder and harder everyday. We all took turns teaching one another.

It's the weekend so were mostly outside in the woods or were inside our house. Our house is pretty big and is mostly made out of wood and there's so much red velvet and there's yellow bright lights glomming our house. It's really pretty and it's close to the woods so we can always go out and hunt.

I knock on Kathy's door, I just want to help her with her problem, I really hate to see anyone in pain.

"Hi can I come in?" I say softly into the door.

"Yea..." I hear Kathy barely saying.

I open the door and I see the many paintings are still in her room, including some new ones.

"What do you want?" she asks me.

I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket and walk around slowly. "just wanted to see if your fine with the whole Jacob thing." I say stopping to look at some paintings.

"Well I'm fine." she says almost angrily.

I growl "no you're not kathy. just tell me what's going on...please"

I can see her running her fingers through her hair almost trying to get the presser out of the way. she sighs. "can we take this into the woods?" she asks.

The woods always calms her " sure" I say and we walk out together.

She sighs and starts to explain things to me. "It really hard for me Triz, I love both of them, but I love Jacob more than I love taylor. I'm not sure what to do with both of them... it just all too much! whenever I'm with Taylor he usually gets my mind if Jacob but whenever I look at jacob....it just all comes back. The love I felt for him, how he hurt me after. I just don't know what to do.."

This is the first time she ever said so much to me. "Do you still think that...Jacobs your mate?"

She stops in mid walk and thinks for a moment in shock. "I still don't know...until I'm 18 then I'll know. But it's just all so much for me to handle." she says and we continue walking.

we keep walking almost in silence. "so how are you and damon?" She asks.

I guess she wants her mind of her problems now. I giggle "fine"

She gives a small smile. I know she's hurting inside but, I just don't know what to do about this.

Kathy's POV

This is really hard for me to get over, at one point I don't want to let go, but one the other.....I feel like I should.

"You should talk to Taylor about this..." She says looking at the ground. She's trying to avoid eye contact.

I just sigh. "I would like to tell him but.....it'll just hurt him..." I prove my point. Whenever I'm around I feel safe and comfortable....and I know...know matter what....I can always trust him. I can tell him everything....but just not this...

I stop in mid walk. "What is it?" Trizi asks.

"Vampires" I growl, that's when Beck and Logan came jumping down from the trees above us.

Their red eyes glisten in the dark behind their dark brown hair.

As they slowly come closer to us, not afraid at all, they say "Well, what are two little wolves doing out here in dark scary woods?" Logan takes a lock of my hair and sniffs it.

I punch him sending him flying and crashing a huge oak tree. The tree came falling to the ground.

"You guys better get out of our territory or else.." Trizi starts to grunt

Beck interrupts her. "Or else what?" He says. I'm so angry right now, about everything so I might as we'll take my anger out on them. I wolf up and charge for Logan. After a few moments Trizi wolfed up too.

Logan went running fast, but I ran faster. I leaped on him and we both went rolling down the hill. When we both got back on our feet, I was ready to go after him. He speed up a tree, and ran in every direction. I went after Logan's head, he tried his best to get me off but I ripped it off before he can do anything else. I ripped him to piece and left it there forever.

I howled for Trizi. She howled back, telling me that she killed off beck. We went back to our place. When we get all ready for bed I just sit on my bed listening to music. I notice a book full of photos, I guess my mom left it there for me. I got up to get it and sat back on my bed. It was curious and it brought back happy memories. But when I saw a picture of me and Jacob by the lake.....everything just came back. It hurts so much! What will I do?

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