The hurting starts again

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Triz's POV

~~~next day~~~

Period 2 with Kathy, Taylor, Damon, Tj, Jacob and Izzy

"So wait, you two are together now?" I ask pointing at Kathy and Taylor with my pencil.

"Yea.." She answers.

Damon has his arm around me which I'm really comfortable with. He always make me feel like I'm the only one for him and he always make me laugh. He's everything.

I look up to see Kathy looking back at where Jacob is sitting. He sitting with some of the other werewolves in this class. It's been really hard for her but she won't talk about it with me. And the weird thing is she went to move on to Taylor, she doesn't even like Taylor that way, so what's happening? Ugh this is all too much for my mind to handle. I focus on the vampires. When are they attacking?! It's really hard to know when they'll come.

I start to tap my pencil on my notebook while I think about everything I know about the vampires.

"Trizi you ok?" Damon asks me making me get out of my daze.

"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine...just think about....the vampires" I say.

"It's going to be fine, whatever they do I'll always be there be you side to protect you." He says confidently and I try not to laugh but I know that he's being really nice and cute. I kiss him on the cheek.

When I saw that Kathy looked worried and ran out to the washroom I followed her.

"Kathy what's wrong?" I ask reaching the washroom.

I sense that she was scared but she never likes admitting that. "He looked at me." She says still facing the wall.

"So? What's wrong with that?" I ask slowly approach her.

She turns around in a swift movement. " You don't get it. When he look at me, he sent me a vision....the vision was of us."

It looked like she was about to break into tears or break something in half. "I still don't get your point." I say slowly taking a step back.

"He's ee me Triz, no matter what I do he'll stop at nothing to get me back."

"But,....don't you want to go back?" I ask questionably. I know that she love Taylor but she loves Jacob even more. I know that she didn't want to leave him in the first place, so that's why I'm asking.

All she did was look on the ground and it awhile for her to say something. "Can we talk about this....some other time?" She mumbles. She what she does? She never tells me everything.

"Yea." I say softly and hug her. We go back to class.

"Hey is something wrong?" Damon whispers.

"Jacob gave her a vision." I say looking at Jacob.

The bell rang and we headed to our next classes.


Kathy's POV

This is all just stressing me so much, why can't this end? I look over my shoulder to see that Jacob is looking back at me. I'm not sure what to do or say, it's just so confusing.

"Hey you ok?" Taylor says getting me out of daze.

"Uh yea I guess so." I look over to him. His light blue eyes, messy light brown hair almost covered by his beanie. He always makes me feel better and more comfortable, but is it enough to get me over for how much I'm hurting about Jacob?

"You don't need to be afraid of him, you have me, you'll always have me no matter what. He won't get anywhere near you." He says hugging me. But what if I want him near me?

The hurting just comes back and it's making me more in pain than ever.

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