When will this end?!

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After that we never saw them, at school, in the woods, but we know they'll be back to claim our territory. Our mother is gone and it hurts a lot but I have tried to get over it...it took time but now I guess I'm fine now...maybe...

It was finally graduation and prom. We're in the gym, at the grad. "When will this end?" I whisper to my dad and he chuckles.

"Soon enough Trizianna. We still have to cheer for a person, Kathy now just try to stay still." He says pretending to yawn.

I giggle, me and my dads always bond over boring stuff that we joke about it. "Kathy Midsummer." We stand up to cheer for her with many others, wow many people know her that well?

At the almost end of the graduation, the principal says into the mic "Now for our final year, grad speech from the lovely Kathy Midsummer." We clap with many others.

"I bet he spat into the mic when he said that." I say to my dad making him laugh. When everyone went quiet, Kathy started the speech.

"Everyone, we all will have a great future, but the big question is, what will we be? What will we become? What will our career? We've been asked these question many times by our great parents. When we were five, we answered princess, firefighter, super heros. When we were twelve, they asked us again. We said vet, police, artist. And now, they ask once more. What we answer is we want to be happy. That is our future, live your life to the best. Thank you class of 2014!" She cheers, yes she was the captain of the cheerleading team. Everyone stood up clapping and cheering.

When we got out of the crowd of people flooding to get out, we caught up with Kathy. "You did great honey." My dad says hugging her. "thanks daddy." she says back.

"Great job!" I say giving her a hug after. "Thanks Triz." When we let go she pointed at both of us. "And I know you too made fun of the grad." She says then we all laugh.

"Kathy!" Jacob says walking with Taylor to us. 

She jumps into his arms and then hugs Taylor after. I hug them too. 

~~~~~Our Place~~~~~~~~

Kathy's Pov

We are having a Graduation party and almost the whole school (All and only werewolves are invited of course!) are coming to our house. We've decorated the our woodplank floor backyard with lights, candles, and white streamers. 

"Honey, I've got a surprise for you." My dad says as I giggle playfully fighting with Jacob to put the streamer on. 

I turn around and skip over to him "What is it?" I chirp happily.

"Well it's not much but.." He gives me a light blue envelope with a bit of a bump in it. 

I take it but look at it confused. I open the enevlope to take out a a pair of keys. I dangled them in the air "Oh...My gosh! This is what you call not much?!" I say looking at him in shock. 

It the keys to my new house! I don't know to he did it but he got me a house! I start to scream in excitment with Trizi. 

He just smiles "I'll show you it tomorrow ok sweetie?" He says patting my back, and all I can do is just nod as I jump around.

"I got something for you too." Jacob says walking up to me. "Me too." Taylor says walking beside Jacob. "Ok why is everyone getting me gifts? Its not even my birthday!" I say smiling.

"Don't worry, I got all you guys present too! I'll give you them soon!" I jump in a spot.

"Ok here's our present Kathy." They give me a pair of car keys. "No way! You guys are the best! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!" I hug them both as they laugh. It's nice to see them get along and share me equally, it makes me feel nice that they are spending a great time together.

"Here, we'll show you." Taylor says taking the keys from me and Jacob, Taylor and I walk to the garage. It's funny how they got it in my garage, I guess dad was in with this too. When the garage opens I see a shining red Lamburgeni with a big golden bow in the middle! How do they even have this kind of money?! "Thanks so much you guys! I love you too so much!" I say hugging them again. I walk over to get a better look at my new car, wow it was so pretty shined like a billion twinkling stars.

"Oh I'll get your present!" I say after a few minutes of amazment of the car. I hold their hands and take them back inside. I get their presents and hand it to them with a big grin.

When they open it they were so in shock just like I was."Seriously Kathy?! I can't believe you got me this! Thanks so much!" Taylor says and hugs me. I got him a new leather jacket that he always wanted. He loved it so much and I finally got it for me.

And for Jacob, I got him a black motorcycle. "Really?! This is so cool! I love it! Thanks a lot Kathy!" Taylor says when he sees the keys and hugs me.

"But I know you got style!" He says smirking and las he lets go.

"You didn't even see it yet!" I say smiling as he hugs me. We all go back to the back yard. 

"I got you this!" Trizi says giving me a golden necklace with a howling wolf piece. 

"Its beautiful." I say softly.

"I know right! I looked at it and it reminded me of your eyes so I knew you'd love it!" She chirps.

*Ding Dong

"Everyone'shere!" I sqeak and head to the doorway.

When everyone filled the backyard it was nice to see everyone talk and have fun. I hope it stays this way for a long time. 

When I finally thought about the vampires..."Do you think they'll e after us?" I ask Jacob worried.

"We'll be fine...just keep your eyes out for them." He says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I hope that this ends soon...I don't want to be in anymore fights..it's been a long year but it was the best year ever as I said before! 

"I love you so much, and I'll always be here, with you." Jacob says softly and takes me into his arms. This is how I know His love for me is real.

(Kathy) Author's Note: 

Well this is the end of the book! Hope you guys loved it! Still want more?! Well here is my next book! Its the sequel to this one. It's called....His love for me See I mentioned it in my last sentence? Lol. Please read it! Love you all! Yours truly ~Kathy

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