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Trizi's Pov


Period 2: Gym 

With Kathy, Jacob, Taylor, Tj, and Damon

"Class! We are starting, wrestling or martial arts, please line up in two lines. There are two clipboards at the front, the right one is for martial arts, and the left one is for wrestling." Everyone is rushing to put there names on the clipboard. 

I'm kind of excited but I wish we would have done better sports. I line up for wrestling even though most of the girls are lining up for martial art. Me and Kathy are somewhere infront of the line, as the line slowly moves, I see Kathy gesturing me to come over to her. I shake my head saying no, I really want to learn wrestling. 

Some vampire behind me say in a very low voice "Why aren't you over there little luna? Aren't you weak like those wimps?" He dead breath is on my head.

I growl, I hate it when people underestimate me, espically vampires. In a swift fastand sharp move I put in a head lock. He tried to breath "So do you still think I'm a wimp." He starts choking.

The scene made a forming crowd. Kathy crosses her arms and tries to act serious even though I know so totally wants to laugh out loud. "Trizi let go, your killing the guy." She says with a smile. The vampire is still choking and almost on the ground, I let go once I though he had enough. He wasn't very happy when he caught his breath. i brust out laughing even though I know that the vampire may come after me.


Kathy's Pov 

Since we know that there will be a bigger group after us this time (more vamps, and some wereolves), we had to train harder and I'm leading the training. 

We're in the forest where we are going to start the harder training, that's why I'm leading. I pace around infront of everyone. "We all know that there will be many, many monsters after us right?" I say the obvious and everyone agrees.

"WELL THAT'S WHY WE NEED TO TRAIN HARD!!! HUNT HARD!!! DO EVERYTHING HARD!!!" I yell making everyone scared, I just smirk. 

"You're scary when you lead!'' Trizi says in a terrified voice.

"Izzy, Daniel you're up first." I say joing the group while Izzy and Daniel go infront of the group.

"To do what?" Daniel asks confused.

I roll my eyes "To fight of course." I say to him.

"But I can't fight..." Daniel starts off but gets attacked by Izzy, the werewolf.

He turned into a werewolf and they both started fighting. As each partner comes up to fight I circle around them and say "Remember, never keep your eyes off you enemy or they may take it into advantage. Attack them when and where they least expect you to attack." And on and onn I tell them more advice on attacking your enemy. 

"What if a vampire bites you?" Damon asks.

"They can't bite if they don't have a head right?" I ask and smirk.

"Are you sure we can fight the vampires off?" Taylor asks.

"Yes.. we can Taylor..." Trizi says in a soft voice.

"How do you know?" he asks.

"Cause me and trizi done it before." We confess, it made things queit.

"And how about those werewolves?" Izzy asks cutting off the silents.

"Jacob will teach us next time." I say smiling at him.

"You guys don't need to worry about it...their only coming after her so I'll protect her while you all fight off the vampires." He says looking at me with heart melting eyes.

I get out of daze. I really don't want to but I know its for my safety and everyone elses to be ready for the big fight. 

"Come on guys lets do this again!" I say to everyone.

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