Kathy's birthday

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Trizi's POV

Were getting ready for the party, setting up everything and changing into our dresses and stuff. I set up the counter with drinks and food while Kathy makes sure the decorations are set up.

"How is going over there?" I ask putting our the cups.

"Good. You?" she says tippy toeing to put the silver velvet into place.

"Great." I say finish setting up the stuff. I clap my hands together when I finish and walk over to Kathy.

"Need help?" I ask her seeing she is struggling with the last velvet.

"Ugh! No it's fine!" she says getting fusturated. When it didn't go in place she growled. I know that something bad is going to happen so I step back. she moves back and few steps and runs to wolf up and jumps to put the velvet in place.

"Uh I think we should change now..." I say to Kathy who's a wolf now.

We walk upstairs and into our rooms. I don't like wearing dresses, it makes me feel uncomfortable so I wear tight dark black jeans, a cream blouse that is a bit bedazzled at the neck line a black bow tie, silver flats, and I put a white headband to pull everything together.

When I walked out and went downstairs, Kathy was already there pacing by the doorway. She turn back to normal and she was wearing a hemline silver dress that had white sparkles at the end of the dress, strapped white shoes, a diamond necklace and bracelet, and the bracelet Jacob gave her. She did her eyeshadow a silver and white mix up, her eyeliner swirled at the end, and her lips were pink as always. She looked really pretty and so did the place.

I walk up and stopped her pacing. "It will be fine." I say to her in a soft voice.

A small smile forms on her face "I guess you're right..." she says.

I go in for a hug but she pushes me back. "Don't mess up my master piece." she says pointing at herself, I just roll my eyes and smile.

The doorbell rings "Oh yay! Their here!" she says clapping her hands and opens the door. A rush of people come in all at once and everything started. The music got loud, some people already starts eating, others were dancing and yelling or talking, it was a rush. Oh and the gift table was pretty much full too, yeah I think Kathy's happy. People were still coming in the house, mostly because she invited 1,000 people but it was okay I guess.

I was in our kitchen eating some cupcakes me and Kathy made earlier today. I talked with Tj and Damon as we eat. I got to talk to some of Kathy's friends that I've never known or seem before. It was a blast.

I went over to Kathy who was dancing and jumping around with Izzy. "Hey having fun?" I yell over the music.

"Yea! Trizi dance with us!" she yells. I roll my eyes but I do want her to be happy on her 18th birthday so I join her and Izzy.

Kathy's POV

At one point I see Jacob walk in, but I try my best not to get seen, even Taylor was here but I wasn't sure where he is.

We all start dancing to the best songs and then I stopped. When I stopped Izzy and Triz stopped too.

"What's wrong?" Izzy asks.

I start to sniff a bit, I finally found who it is.

"I know who's my mate...."

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