His feelings

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~~~~A week before Kathy's 18th BIrthday Party~~~~

Kathy's POV

Trizi and I are downstairs and making tacos, Daniel wants his tacos and he's coming over so we're making his tacos now. I have to leave Triz for a bit because Taylor's coming over to pick me up for our date.

I'm cutting the lettuce while Triz stirs the pot. "How do you feel about Taylor.....?" She asks.

I giggle "why do you want to know so much?" I ask her.

"Cause you're my sister." She smiles.

I actually did want to tell her so "I do like him..."

She interrupts "you love him. Why don't you want to admit it?"

I stop cutting the lettuce for a mintue, "Cause..I don't like to think of him that way.."

"But...when it comes to your birthday....what is you find out that...he's your mate?" She asks.

"I'm not sure what to do now or even later so.....this all is complicated..." I say softly.

"Even if he's is your mate or not....I think you should tell him that you love him....no matter what happens you still love him but it might not be as much as you love Jacob...." Then the bell rings, I rush to wash my hands and open the door.

"Hey" he says smiling.

"Hi" I smile back.

He holds my hand and we head out. We walk to the park, on the way he made me laugh a lot and I almost felt like everything was normal...when it wasn't.

We sit on the bench and I start playing with the bracelet Jacob, it's really beautiful but when I look at it, I see Jacob. "You ok?" Taylor asks making me get out of my daze.

I don't answer and he starts sniff the bracelet, "Jacob gave you this didn't he?" He asks.

I nod, still haven't make any eye contact at all. It got really quiet after that.

"Taylor..." I start off saying softly.

"Yea?" He says.

I look up to see his face and into his light blue eyes. When I look at him all the memories about Jacob and Trizi telling me that I love him come flowing back to me. It just all made me feel dizzy and I didn't know what to do.

"I..I..love you." I finally get it out of the way, and when I said that the memories went away.

He gives me his beautiful smile. "It took you awhile to say that." He smirks, leans back on the bench.

"What do you mean?" I say leaning forward and try to face him again.

He's just looking up into the sky, "I've loved you forever and now you finally admit that you love me back." He says smiling.

I give him a little push and we kind if laugh. It got really awkward when it went quiet. I kept playing with my bracelet until he hooded my hand and I looked up to him again.

If I find out that he's not my mate...he'll be crushed....and I will too....

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