Choosing my mate

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Kathy's Pov

~~~~~~At Home~~~~~~

"So who do you choose?!" Trizi interagates me. She gets the lamp and shines it on my face, making me squint and push the lamp away.

"I don't know Triz! Stop doing this to me! I'll know who to choose...soon" I say playing with the bracelet Jacob gave me. 

"Soon, huh? It's been forever! Come on Kathy! You should have made up your mind by now." She says softly this time.

I don't want to make anyeye contact. "Or...did you already make up your mind?" Triz asks a bit surprised.

I look down at my bracelet even more so that I don't have to confest to her that I made up my mind. I actually did make up my mind...I chose Jacob. He is the one that I really love, and I always loved him from the start...I do have feeling for Taylor But everyone was right, my feelings for Jacob are much bigger and stronger. Taylor will always be at my side, but Jacob and I will always be in love.

"Fine if you don't want to tell me...tell him." She says. I nod in ok. 

The door bell rings. I walk out of the living room and to the door. I open it to see Jacob, I'm a bit surprised because I was going to go look for him. "Jacob.." I manage to say before he kisses me passionately. I kiss him back, my love for him only grows bigger and bigger everyday and...I just feel so great when I'm with him. We love each other so much and I don't want to be keeping my feelings inside anymore...I want to be with him with nothing between us. When we finally pull back, we were breathless and our foreheads leaning together just like before.

"Kathy, please choose me. I..I can't live without you.." he says breathlessly.

"I do choose you Jacob...I've always did...I can't live without you too.." I say breathlessly and smile.

We hold hands and still stay breathless foreheads touching beside the door. It stayed like this forever and ever...until I heard Trizi fake cough, her cough is so fake it sucks.

"Um, if you don't mind...I'm going to go out for a bit." she says and passes through us. As she passes by she makes a thumbs ups, I smiled but rolled my eyes, she's so dorky.

When she left, me and Jacob joined hands again and stared into each others eyes. I never felt so free with him...I really do love him.

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