Hunting hard

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Kathy's Pov

I'm listening to music, doing some homework, sitting on my bed you know the usual things. Triz and I are just waiting for the others so that we can start our hunt. My room is right beside hers so if I yell she could answer.

"Hey when will they get here?! I'm starving!!!" Triz yells from the other side of the wall.

"Jacob said that he will pick us up and meet the others in the wood!" I yell back.

"He better get here soon!" She says ending the conversation.

After a few minutes we hear the bell ring. Jacob's here!

I run down stairs and open the door, there standing is Jacob.

"Jacob!" I say and go in his open arms.

"Hey ready to hunt?" He says resting his head on mine.

"Yep." Triz comes down to join us.

"Where are you guys going?" My dad coming close to us with mom.

Jacob's arm is around my waist. "Just going hunting sir." He says trying to be confident. My father doesn't really like him but my mother is fine with him.

"Well have fun." My mom says with a heart warming smile.

We walk out, turn into our wolves and run to the others. Hunting is really fun and relaxing. The breeze in my fur, the fresh smell of trees, the views of the wood, everything was beautiful.

I spot a deer close by. Barely making a sound I walk closer to it, once it turned its head I ran after it. I tore it to pieces. When I finished, I heard a twig crack, something's close by, or was it someone?

I called for the others and when I did a vampire came out of the woods. I am so going to kill it. I recognized the vampire, it was the red head I saw at school. She is not going to live after this. It's either she escapes or dies. It's her fault if she dies cause she's in wolf territory now.

My friends finally came and we all went after her. When ran after her as she uses her vampire speed to run. Andrew jumps on her and they both roll down the hill. We slide down after them. We tear her to pieces, killing her fast. This wasn't the first time a vampire went in our territory.

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