Ready Position

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Trizi's POV

*Phone rings

"Hello?" I answer my phone. It was a private number but I still answered anyways. no harm right?

"We're coming now." a low voice says and ends the call. I go in shock. What just happened?!

"Kathy!" I yell going from room to room, then she opens the door with Jacob and their laughing.

They go into a worried face when they see mine.

"What's wrong Triz?" She asks putting both of her hands on my shoulder.

"Their coming." I say almost in a whisper.

Kathy mouth almost drops, then she goes into leader mode. "You call the others, Jacob you gather the rest of the pack into the woods, and I'll get mom and dad." She says rushing to find our parents. Me and Jacob look at each other in shock then go to do what she said.

I called Daniel, Izzy, Damon, Taylor, and lastly, Tj.

The phone rings 5 times before he picks up, "what?" He says in a upset voice.

"Tj I know things are harsh right now but you need to help us." I plead.

He snorts " I'm not helping anyone anymore." It really gutted my feelings for him to say that but I know that I still have to stand up to this.

"Look just do it for me." I say to him.

It took a minute for him to answer. "Whatever Fine I'll help." and he ends be call, I think that went ok. I sigh, what and I going to do with him?

I catch up with the others in the woods. I stand by my family who's in the front, facing the group.

Father takes a step forward, hands behind his back. "Remember to never be afraid. Thus is our territory that were protecting, so do everything it can to make them feel pain, to hurt, and to kill them. No matter what you do, never let them out of your sight." Our father gives a big speech.

"Jacob, Kathy go far away from here as you can, thy are the ones most after you" Our dad says, Jacob and Kathy nod and run off.

"Triziana, stay close as Damon as you can, he will protect you." Me and Damon stand together.

"We know how to fight our own kind, so the ones we have to most focus on are the vampires. Watch their every move, make sure that you don't struggle in their grasp or you will be the one dead." He continues with his speech.

"Get ready in position, there here." He says and everyone does as said.

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