03 | MONSTA X🔥

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The Next Day in School

Taera POV

I was walking along the corridor,then someone bumped onto me.Not an accident.I get up and looked who bumped onto me and it's Luda.Lee Luda.Cocky.

"what do you want?"I asked her while brushing off the dirt on my skirt.

"nothing,just for fun"She said and laughed at me.Same goes to her bestfriend.WJSN.

"fuck you" I said cursing again and walked away but she pull my arm in force and almost leaving a bruise on it.

"What did you just said?"She asked me and wanted to slap me but Harine yank away her hand harshly.

"don't you dare touch my bestfriend"Harine said still holding Luda hands not letting go.

"let go of my hand"Luda said and struggling to get off from Harine grip.

Then,Harine let go of her hands.Then,I saw I.M and his bestfriend walked to us.

"what's going on here?"I.M asked while looking at Luda lovingly.

"baby,she disturb me"Luda said to I.M,pointing at me and I.M looked at me with an angry look plastered on his face.

"what did you do to her?"I.M asked me.

I rolled my eyes and wanted to walked away but he pulled my hands making me face him.

"I ask you NERDY"He said in a jerk tone still not letting go his grip on my wrist.

"I.M! Stop it!"Harine said loud enough for everyone in the corridor to look at the scenes.

"you just shut the fuck up,don't talk to me when I am not talking to you"I.M said to Harine and then looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

"I'm not your toys stupid"I said and walked away leaving I.M in shock expression.

In fact,Harine push him to the side making him almost fall to the floor.

Harine POV

"Harine,you still mine,don't talk to much"Wonho said while holding my arm not wanting me to go.

"let me go Wonho,I have nothing to do with you anymore"I said in a pleading tone.

"remember,you still mine,we are still not break up,we are still together"He said staring in my shiny eyes.

"who cares"I said and pushed him away with all my strength since he is built like that,a workout man.

I notice Shownu looked at me with worry on his face.Yeah,he's the only one who being nice and kind to me and also Wonho.But,I don't know.I just don't get it why I treat Wonho like this.Then,I walked to my class.

In The Class

Taera POV

I read my history book in silent.Everyone is busy talking with their friends including my bestfriend.I don't mind them,so I do my work.Then,I saw Harine walked inside and sit at her place.Not so long after that,I.M and his bestfriend walked inside the class and sit behind me which were their places.But,one of his bestfriend sit beside Harine.I closed my book and talked to Yeona and Seoyeon and Serine.

"Guys,who's that?"I asked them and pointing at the boy who sitting beside Harine.

"That's Wonho"Yeona said while looking at Harine and Wonho.

"why I see them like a couple but on the other side they are not liking each other,I mean,Harine treat Wonho so bad"Serine said in a sad tone.

"I don't know,maybe they know each other before and have a past that we didn't know"Seoyeon said.

We ignore them but suddenly the teacher came in the class.

"I want to see Monsta X"The teacher said.

Then,I.M and his bestfriend stand up and walked infront.Then,Shownu looked at Wonho.

"Wonho-ah!"He shouted.

"okay okay"Wonho said and walked infront.

I turned and looked at Yeona.

"guys,shall we call Harine"I asked them.

When,we wanted to called Harine,Harine packed her bag,I don't know why but the teacher came in with Harine brother.Dong Youngbae,well known as Taeyang.

"Dong Harine,you can go back now"The teacher said.

Then,Harine stand up and walked outside the class with her brother on her side.

"guys,what happen?"Serine asked with the situation.

"I don't know"Seoyeon said.

"Later we ask her"Yeona suggested and they agreed.

Then,we talked about funny things and laughed together.



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