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The Next Day

At School

Taera POV

I was from the cafe with Yeona.We walked along the corridor together while Serine and Seoyeon at the lab doing their biology experiments thing there with the teacher.Well,our teacher can't be in the class today because he had a work to do.Of course all of the student take this chance to walked around the school.

"yah! Taera ya!!"someone shouted.

I quickly turned around and saw Serine and Seoyeon.I'm shooked because they were in the lab just now doing their thing and now they were here.They walked to me.

"wait,why are you here?"Yeona asked Serine with a confuse face.

"we finish our biology thing earlier and the teacher said we can go because our junior student will finish the biology thing"Seoyeon explained because Serine was drinking her water.

"oh,so why did the both you run?You can walk right?"I asked and chuckled a bit in awkwardness.

"I know but we need to talk this"Serine said in a serious tone.

"it look so serious,so what is it?"I asked again.

"this is about Harine and Wonho"Seoyeon said.

"okay,but what is it?"I asked her again.

"let's go to the dance room,no one there,we will talk there"Serine said and walked upstairs and to the dance room.

We followed Serine and Seoyeon to the dance room.I have no idea why she want to discuss about this at the dance room.Once we entered the room,no one was there.

"okay,so this is what we want to talk"Serine said and continue.

"Me and Seoyeon was from the lab right?We walked passed the basketball room and heard Harine voice inside talking with a boy,so we went a bit closer to the door and heard Wonho voice."Serine said and looked at Seoyeon and signalled her to continue.

"then,I heard that Wonho said that Harine is his girlfriend and he said that he will never let Harine go even past is past"Seoyoen continue.

"okay,so what's the problem now and you said that Harine is Wonho girlfriend and Wonho is Harine boyfriend?"I asked to be cleared.

"the problem is what was Wonho mean that past is past?"Serine and Seoyeon questioned us.

"we should ask Harine or Taeyang,because this sibling really close to each other,even when Harine want to go anywhere,her brother will always be there but it's better for us to ask Harine,because she doesn't llike when someone investigate her by other person"Yeona said and we agreed with it.



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