16 | WARN😤

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Taera POV

I waited for Harine and the others at the cafe.Suddenly,someone come to my direction and splashed a water to me and it's none other than Soobin.

"what are you trying to do?"She asked me while shouting.

"I didn't do anything"I stuttered not knowing what she was talking about.

"Are you now trying to take Wonho from Harine?"Yeoreum asked me.

"I didn't take Wonho from her,we just talking"I said in frustration.

"This is a warn for you,if you ever try to seduce or take Wonho from Harine,we will do anything on you because Harine is our bestfriend"Seola said in a warn tone.

Then,again a water splashed on me again and it's from Eunseo.I shake my head and suddenly I felt something wrapped on my body.

"Take this,maybe you need this to cover your body"Wonho said and give a smile as he put his school blazer on me.

"It's okay,I don't need this"I said and give back his blazer.

"wow,that is amazing"I heard someone said while clap their hands and it's Harine.

She stand infront me and crossed her arm,looking at me unbelievable.

"Harine...I-"I wanted to say but she cutt me off.

"No need to explain,have a nice day Kang Taera"Harine said as she walked off but she stopped.

"By the way,I will be going to Japan tonight,so maybe you can have fun together while I'm not here"Harine said glaring at me and Wonho.

Then,she walked off and I looked at Wonho who looking at Harine who outside the cafe talking to Minhyuk.

"I should go now"I said and walked off from the cafe and went to the toilet to get changes.

After that,I went to the classroom and sit beside Yeona.

"what happen?"Yeona asked me as I sit down beside her while looking at the teacher infront me.

"Nothing happen"I said and smile at her.A total fake smile I can give.

I heard she sighed heavily and then I continue with focusing on the teacher who just started teaching.



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