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Taera POV

3 months passed and now is my last exam for my last school day.Also,it's been 3 month I didn't talk to Harine after the incident of her getting jealous with me talking to Wonho.Harine also just got back from Japan last month.She went there for 2 months only.

I walked inside the classroom but there is no one.Suddenly,I felt a pair of hands tap on my shoulder.

"Hey,the exam is in the hall"Wonho said smiling and behind him is Shownu.

"Oh,okay thanks"I said and avoid an eye contact with him and walked to the hall.

I put my backpack outside the hall and walked in the hall with my pens and exam needed.I walked to my table and sit there.Once I sit down,I saw Harine who is busy talking with Minhyuk beside me.She glance at me and then to Minhyuk.

After that,my exam start until evening with total of 5 papers.Tomorrow is the last paper.

I walked outside the hall and try to find my backpack but it wasn't there.

"You looking for this little Nerdy?"Someone asked me with an annoyed voice.

I turned around and saw Harine holding my backpack to the air and then throw it to me.

"Harine..why did you do this to me?"I said while wearing my backpack.

"Why?"She asked giggling.

"Because I don't like how Wonho treat you and how you treat Wonho Kang Taera"She said and glare at me.

"we are just friend"I said to her and wanted to walked to her but she moving backwards.

"Friend?HAHA..Friend can be a boyfriend"Harine said and walked off somewhere.

I sighed heavily and walked to the school gate.After a few minutes,I saw my mom car and get in the car quickly.

"What happen to you sweetie?"Mom asked me as she drive to our house.

"Nothing happen"I said pretending.

"Come on sweetie,I know my daughter really well but it's okay if you don't want to tell me"She said sounded sad.

"Fine,it's about Harine"I said and my voice seems cracked.

"What happen to the both of you?"She asked me while parked the car in the garage.

"We have a small fight"I said looking at my skirt.

"Don't worry,you will be fine soon,it's just a small fight,don't worry too much,let's get inside and I will cook your favourite food"She said and get out from the car.

I get outside the car and walked in the house and went upstairs to my room.

I locked myself in my room and layed down on my bed while staring at the ceiling blankly thinking about me and Harine.Then,I received a text from someone.

You should think wise before you speak..Don't ever try to do something that I don't like..You don't know how much I love Wonho..

I will try to avoid Wonho..Don't ever broke our friendship please Harine..I love you as my bestfriend..You are my problem listener..I hope you understand..

Don't try but do it..

I will


I sighed heavily looking at the text.I put my phone on the nightstand and walked to the bathroom to shower.



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