04 | WHAT???😒

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Taera POV

The bell rang for us to go back home but the teacher still not finish teaching infront of the class.I already felt sleepy since after recess.Monsta X behind me was playing with their pen and book.Yeona beside me playing with her pen.Don't know what happen.

"okay class,we stop here,you can go home now"The teacher said.

All of my classmates get their energy and suddenly they are not feeling sleepy.Well,student life.

At School Gate

All of us,I mean my bestfriend and I waited at the school gate.We talked about our plan.Suddenly,Monsta X bumped onto us.

"oops"I.M said with his cocky tone.

"yah you BLIND"I said getting mad at him.

Then he turned to looked at me.He walked towards me.So close.

"NERDY"he said and poked my cheeks.

"yah you!How dare you touch me!"I shouted but he ignore it.

Then,he walked away with his bestfriend.Wonho and Shownu stay still with us.

"why are you still here?"Seoyeon ask sarcastically.

"I'm very sorry as behalf of them"Shownu said feeling guilty.

"No need to say sorry"Yeona said.

"what are you guys trying to say?!Why all of you being nice to them?!"I shouted to my bestfriend.

"you didn't see?"Serine asked.

"See what?!"I shouted again.

"Both of them treat us nicely,so we should treat them nicely"Seoyeon said.

"whatever"I said and rolled my eyes.

"hey,can I ask you something?"Wonho asked.

"what is it?"Yeona said.

"where is Harine?"He asked.

"we don't know where she is"Serine said and walked away because her father already arrived.

"okay guys,I need to go"Seoyeon said and get in her mother car.

"oh,it's time,we need to go,bye"Shownu said and walked away with Wonho.

At Taera House

Taera POV

I was waiting for Seoyeon and Serine to come over because they wanted to sleep over at my house.Then,I heard a car engine outside my house.I run to the door and opened it.They walked to me with their suitcase.
"hello Taera"Seoyeon approached me while hugging me.

"come in"I said to them.

We walked inside and heading upstairs to my room after I called Yeona.

"nice room Taera"Serine compliments while looking around my bedroom.

Well,I really love purple,so that is why my parents decorate it with a purple colour design

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Well,I really love purple,so that is why my parents decorate it with a purple colour design.

At Night

Taera POV

I was waiting for my order in the living room.Then,someone rang the bell.I walked to the door.

"who is that?"I asked from behind the closed door.

"delivery"The person outside the door said.

I opened the door and paid for the delivery.After I have done,I went upstairs to my room.

"guys,foodie"I said and sit on my bed while placing down the plastic bag.

"yeah"All of them said and eat the food.

After we finished eating,we cleaned the room and started to talked about Harine this morning.

"guys,what happen to Harine actually?"Serine asked.

"I don't know"Seoyeon said and shrugged her shoulder.

"wait,Taera-ah, isn't that you who with Harine right this morning?"Yeona asked.

I'm being quiet for awhile.

"Kang Taera"Yeona called my name.

"Okay okay,Luda bump onto me,same goes to her bestfriend,Luda try to slap me but Harine comes and hold her hands,then,I.M and his bestfriends comes to us and then,Luda told I.M that I'm the one who want to slap her so I.M pulled my arm and ask me to tell what I did.but I did nothing,then,I push I.M and walk to the class but Harine stay there and I saw Wonho talking to her but I don't know what are they talking about"I explain to them in a long way almost like a paragraph.

"so,we should ask Wonho what actually happen"Seoyeon said and suggesting at the same time.

Then we continue with our plan and after we done with the plan, we sleep around 1 am in the morning.



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