23 | YOU⁉️

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Taera POV

The next day,I woke up late because my class start on 11 in the morning.After I get ready,I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

After I get ready,I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast

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After breakfast,I drive to the university.Once I arrived,I parked it at the car park and proceed to go to the class because it's already 10:57.


"Mianhae"I heard a boy said while extending his hand infront of me for help.

I held his hand and get up after I've done taking my file fell down just now.I turned to looked who was it.

"What the heck,he is here?"I asked myself in my mind.

"Nerdy?"He mumbled to himself.

It was silent between us.

I.M/Changkyun POV

I was rushing to the class,suddenly I bumped to a girl until she fell down.

"Mianhae"I said while extending on my hand for help infront of her.

Then,she held my hand to get up after she take all of her file on the floor.Then,she turned to looked at me.I'm shocked.She freeze.

"Nerdy?"I mumbled to myself.

I quickly shake my head and she let go of my hand.

She look more pretty and pretty and pretty..She make me fall for her everyday...How am I suppose to win your heart Kang Taera because I'm the one who bullied you in high school.

Taera POV

After I let go of his hand,I take a leave to go to the class.I walked in the class and quickly looking for Yeona,Seoyeon and Serine.I sit between Yeona and Seoyeon when I saw them.

"What's wrong with you?"Yeona asked me while focusing on her phone.

"Did you just met a ghost or something?"Serine then asked me.

"No no no,I met someone just now,not met but bumped"I said while shaking my head.

"Stop shaking your head"Seoyeon said while held my head to stop me from shaking.

"Who did you bumped to anyways"Yeona said as she put down her phone on the table.

"IM Changkyun"I said without even stuttered.

"Changkyun?"Serine asked.

"Yeah"I said.

"What did he said?"Seoyeon asked.

"He didn't said anything,he just freeze there"I said while putting my notebook on the table.

"Maybe he realize who is the nerdy now,already change"Seoyeon said.

"I think so right?"Serine said while smiling sheepishly at me.

"Okay class,let's start our lesson today"The lecturer said as she entered the class.

[London,United Kingdom(6:00am)]
[A/N:just imagine that Taera at Seoul already night because I skipped this]

Harine POV
I woke up and got a text from unknown number.I scrolled it through message and opened the unknown number.

I want you to kill Kang Taera or else he will be in dangerous or even they(your friends and his friend)will die in my hand.

"who the hell is this?"I asked myself.

I ignored the text but interrupted when that unknown number text me again.

Meet me at the art hall today when you arrive

"woah woah woah,what this unknown want huh?"I asked myself.

"Maybe it's her"I said without hesitation.

Then,I walked to the bathroom and get ready for class.

After I have done,I walked out from my college dorm and walked to the college

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After I have done,I walked out from my college dorm and walked to the college.When I arrive,I quickly go to the art hall to meet that unknown person.I entered the art hall and saw a long light brown hair girl wearing a black bomber jacket,black skinny jeans and high cut vans old skool.

"What do you want?"I asked her.

"Oh you arrived"She said and turned around facing me.

"Lee Luda?"I said.

"Why?Shooked?"She asked me while stepping forward to me.

"What do you want?"I asked her again.

"It's easy Dong Harine,just kill Taera and you and your friends and his friends will be safe"She said with a smirk plastered on her face.

"I won't do that"I said and turned behind and wanted to walked away but she said again.

"If you don't want to do it,just prepare for what will happen when I go back to Seoul,don't regret it"She said.

I ignored her and walked away and went to my class.

"Hello,Shownu-ah"I said in the phone.

"nae Harine-ah,why are you calling me?"He asked in the phone.

"Luda meet me just now and she asked me to kill Taera and if I didn't do it,Wonho and you and your friends will be in danger and also my friends,I know you were in the same university as Taera so I need your help to take care of Taera and them and also you and your friends,I will go now,bye"I said and ended the call.

It stressed me a lot thinking about Monsta X and Taera and also my bestfriends safety.I will go back to Seoul during college break.



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