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1 month have passed.Taera and I.M/Changkyun already become friend.They were really close.Same goes to the other members.

[London,United Kingdom]
Harine POV

I dragged my suitcase out of the college dorm and take a cab to the airport.

"Can't wait to meet them"I said to myself.

When I arrived at the airport,I went to the baggage scanner and later I walked in the airplane for my flight to Seoul.

[Seoul,South Korea]
Harine POV

I finally arrived at Seoul,well my mom pick me up at the airport.My brother of course busy with her wife since they got married last month.

"So,how many weeks you will be here?"Mom asked as she drive out of the airport.

"Not a week but 1 month"I said and smile brightly.

"That's a long break"Mom said.

I smiled to my mom and rest my head on my seat to get a quick nap.

The next day,I woke up early for rehearsal for Konkuk Fashion Month.I wear my usually outfit I wear while I'm in London.

Then,my dad drop me off at Konkuk University before he went for work

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Then,my dad drop me off at Konkuk University before he went for work.Well as I know,Taera and the others have class today.

I walked to the hall and entered it.There is a lot of people.

"Omg that's the famous designer student in London right?"I heard one of a girl said to her friends in excitement.

Then,her friends looked at me and same goes to her.Then,she walked towards me.

"Hello,can I get your autograph and your sign here?"She asked while showing me her phone case.

"Yeah sure"I said and take picture with her and sign on her phone case.

Then,she thanked me and walked to the front.The rehearsal start and then suddenly a class of student walked in the hall.When I turned infront,I saw Shownu and the other walked in.I'm shocked that Taera and Changkyun walked together.

"Please have a sit student"Their lecturer said.

Taera POV

I entered the hall and walked inside beside Changkyun.We are now friend or shall I call more than that?No no.

Then,I notice a girl standing on the stage with a nice outfit.

"she look alike Harine"I thought to myself.

"Isn't that Harine?"Wonho asked.

"I think so"Yeona said while looking at her on the stage.

"Harine-ah!"Shownu suddenly shouted her name.

We waved at her and she waved us back.

"She look sexy bro"Shownu said and smirk.

"Yah!She is mine"Wonho said slapping Shownu arm.

"Sexy for Wonho"Changkyun said.

"Pabo-yah!All of you are dirty minded people"Seoyeon said and dragged Yeona,Serine and me to the front.

After that,I waited for Harine to finished her rehearsal.Then,after the rehearsal done Harine walked to us.

"Hey guys,miss me?"She asked standing infront us.

"Of course"All of us said in unison but Wonho voice is more louder.

"Why are you standing there?Where is your hug?"Serine ask while smiling.

Harine quickly walked up and we made a group hug.

"Where is mine?"Wonho asked with his childish face.

Then,Harine walked to him and hugged him.

"Sweet drama"me and Changkyun said in unison.

"Shall we too?"Changkyun asked while smirking at me.

"No way"I said with a disgust face.

Then,all of us decided to have lunch together.Well,Harine and Wonho treat us for the lunch.



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