Leanbox III(Judge's Attack)

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(Oh god. Just saying how I wrote stories back then just makes me cringe, but, hey, I guess I can see my evolution.

Anyways, I have decided to repost the old story with no revamps meaning the following parts from now on are 100% the original material.

Also, for those who only read this story, I'd appreciate it if you also read my new story based on the origin of my new Alex, Alex Mustang.

Anyways, this is Flame saying goodbye.)

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can finally go wild for once. Man do I love attacking."

Most of Leanbox's main area was destroyed. Buildings, cars, and streets were nothing but rubble as Judge mercifully took everything down.

Judge had the color scheme of black and neon blue, and he was adorned with beige trimming. He had the appearance of a bulk, large, armored like being. He had neon blue eyes. On his shoulders were chest guards with a long end on each side that arcs to point above his head. In his back were two extending parts that eventually span to three sharp, long pieces on each part. Under his chest were four bulk parts designed with directional buttons and a cross-like accessory. Under the four bulk parts was a moving black gear with neon blue trimming. He hovered from the ground. His weapon of choice was a large, dark two-bladed halberd with neon blue blades, adorned with button-like accessories and a large skull in the center of the bladed piece.

"I'm starting to get bored now. Why hasn't the army come? Oh well, more destruction for me."

As Judge was about to strike a pipe three Spears suddenly pinned him down.

"If it's entertainment you want then I'll most certainly bring that entertainment." Green Heart arrived ready to take action. Judge got up like it was nothing.

"Oh the Leanbox CPU. I've been waiting for you. Now that your here I'll easily be able to kill you now."  Both dashed foward. Green Heart took an advantage thanks to her Speed and was thrusting her attacks with not a lot but enough force to slightly hinder Judge.

Judge then attempted to strike but Green Heart blocked, jumped back, and repeated her strategy 2 more times. Judge was already getting annoyed at this point.

"That's it." Judge then started speeding up his barrage to a fast margin. Green was able to block until one good enough slash got in causing Green to lose balance. "Gotcha." Judge then launched another barrage. All were precise and accurate strikes and all connected as well." Judge then prepared for his ultimate attack. "Judgment Time." "ARGHHH" Green then fell to the ground almost out of share energy.

Judge then aimed his axe ready to kill. "Goodbye CPU." As Judge lunged foward.

"BLAZE. FIRE BLITZ NOW!" Out of nowhere a trail of fire came between Vert and Judge. "What The Who dares."

The Fire cleared revealing Alex holding Vert who untransformed. "Vert. Stay here and rest. Don't come back in the fight until you know you have enough shares to continue alright." Vert nodded leading Alex to put her down and walk towards Judge already holding Kusanagi in his left hand.

"Oh hey your that kid. My boss told me a lot about you. I even heard you managed to defeat Lady Green over there so why not join me?"

"Let's just say me and Green started off a little rough but that has picked up. And now I'll end your raid."

"So be it kid." Alex and Judge clashed.

Since Judge had an axe he was getting the edge and decided to back off, charge and start unleashing a barrage of strikes. None of them connected due to Alex having his base Sharingan eyes activated.

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